When he announced his candidacy to lead the PP in March 2022, Alberto Núñez Feijóo was very clear: “I am not here to insult Pedro Sánchez, but to beat Pedro Sánchez.” He has certainly achieved it and in the general elections of 23-J he achieved a magnificent result. The problem is that his party did not obtain enough support to govern.

In this situation, the Galician politician has to manage his move to the opposition. He has two options. One is to act like a winner, keep a cool head and limit yourself to making a responsible opposition while waiting for the difficulties that your socialist opponent will surely have in governing. The other is to change the philosophy with which he arrived from Santiago and become a wild boar willing to attack everything Sánchez does or says. Carmen del Riego’s report in La Vanguardia last Sunday left no room for doubt. Theirs said that the opposition that the PP was going to make from now on would be “dog-faced”, “without concessions”, “we are not going to give it even water”, and they defended the idea of ??turning Congress into a nightmare for the president. This is how it is these days, mercilessly: Spanish politics is a trench in which, if necessary, Europe is resorted to to try to get the EC to bring down the amnesty and, in turn, the government coalition. It seems as if there is no tomorrow and the PP has to shake the Executive in any way possible so that it cannot consolidate for even a single day.

It is paradoxical that Feijóo, who is the winner of the elections, is remodeling his entire team from top to bottom, while Sánchez, who turned out to be the loser, maintains his team and has created a government of continuity, except for the change from Podemos to Sumar. , which is not trivial.

The comment about the president’s mental health made by Feijóo himself recently on Antena 3 for a specialist to analyze whether his way of laughing “has any indication from a pathological point of view” does him no good. This aggressiveness taken to the extreme makes him act as if he had been the loser of the elections. And it was not so. Feijóo has to go back to being the one who came from Santiago.