The leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has asked this Tuesday to reopen the Delcy case regarding the trip that the vice president of Venezuela Delcy Rodríguez made to Barajas on January 20, 2020 – a case archived by the judge considering that the number two of Nicolás Maduro did not set foot on Spanish soil – since, in his opinion, there is a “direct relationship” between the purchase of masks, the suitcases and the rescue of the Air Europa airline.

“Now I am beginning to see that the members of the plot are those who went to the Barajas airport to collect Mrs. Delcy’s suitcases,” Feijóo stated in an interview on Onda Cero. Feijóo has pointed out that “it is evident that there is a direct relationship between the purchase of the masks, the form and conditions of the rescue of an airline and the Venezuelan suitcases” which, according to him, they still do not know what they contained.

When asked if he believes that money for Air Europa was in the suitcases, Feijóo responded that that is what he wants to know, what was in the suitcases and he defended “investigating” this point and “reopening” this case. “I think we have every right and probably, in our opinion, the case should be reopened. With the information we have, the case of the Venezuelan suitcases at the Barajas airport should be reopened,” he emphasized.

The president of the PP has asked himself “how is it possible that the same people who are allegedly taking bites from the masks are the ones who were negotiating the rescue of the airline and are the ones who went to the Barajas airport to collect a series of suitcases with a person who was prohibited from entering Spanish territory”, referring to Delcy Rodríguez.

Feijóo has pointed out that Sánchez “knew” about this alleged plot of bribery in the purchase of masks during the pandemic “and covered it up” and believes that “there is no doubt about it.” As he has highlighted, his “colleagues from the primaries are ringleaders of the plot” and, for now, it is “very difficult for the president not to know anything.”

Furthermore, Feijóo has said that they want to know what is behind the contacts of Pedro Sánchez’s wife, Begoña Gómez, with Globalia while the rescue of Air Europa was taking place. “We are going to know in a little more detail what is behind there, but it certainly smells bad,” he said, adding that they could be facing “an alleged conflict of interest, at least.”

According to the opposition leader, in this case the President of the Government “has to give explanations, and what is surprising is that he does not give any” but instead “insults”, “disqualifies” and “puts the fan on”.

“If the president, as it seems, was not absent but voted in favor of the various credits and loans in amounts exceeding 700 million euros in favor of a company that had a contract directly or indirectly to finance some activity of women of the president, we understand that we may be faced with a case of conflict of interest that is, by the way, typified in our legal system and that would give rise to at least an administrative procedure and, if necessary, judicial”, he warned.