Alberto Núñez Feijóo yesterday called on his party’s candidates for the May 28 elections to work “as if we were one vote away from the majority.” “Nothing should be taken for granted,” he added, “everything remains to be done.”

The PP leader said at the meeting of the national board of directors, the party’s highest body between congresses, that he has not taken the reins of the formation to “manage expectations down” or “set easy goals.”

Feijóo, in a kind of self-imposed order, made commitments to the municipal and regional candidates. He assured that he will participate in the electoral campaign every day: “I will tour Spain with you and I will be co-responsible for the result in all the municipalities and all the autonomies.” “I can’t aspire to a scraping pass,” he stressed.

The popular ones hope to be able to maintain the three autonomous governments in which they govern and there are elections in May: Madrid, Murcia and Ceuta -in Galicia, Andalusia and Castilla y León, presided over by the PP, there are no regional elections although there are municipal ones- and aspires to recover the Balearic Islands and, above all, Valencia, although this last place will not be easy.

In the PP they have good electoral expectations, according to most polls, but they also recognize that the PSOE is strong in some places, more so than a few months ago when the upward trajectory of the new Popular Party led by Feijóo seemed unstoppable. The impulse is no longer the same.

But Feijóo is clear about his starting point: “We have not won an election in a national call for seven years,” and his expectation is to reverse that situation and “increase in votes that translate into having more mayors and more autonomous communities.” With this, Feijóo added, they will be able to “restore the pride of being the leading political force in Spain to the PP.”

The popular leader is aware that a bad result in the May elections would mean a setback in his race towards Moncloa, which will be resolved in the December general elections. “It will be the first step – he affirmed – to offer Spain a better government”.

Feijóo needs a comfortable and sufficient majority so as not to depend on other parties, and especially Vox, which he did not mention. Hence his call not to take everything for granted. It is not enough to govern, you have to win and do it clearly.

At this point he referred to the PSOE’s strategic alliance with Sumar. Like the Socialist Party, “I could try to help other parties to see if the sum of those others with ours hides a defeat at the polls from us, but as you will understand, I will never work to facilitate votes for other parties to the detriment of ours.” ”.

He is not Sánchez, insists Feijóo, who “has already recognized his defeat” by admitting that he will not be able to govern without an alliance with other forces. He aspires to be able to govern without ties, because “most of the problems have to do with governments supported by small, precarious and unstable minorities.”