Apple reaffirms its new privacy rules to implement in the spring. Companies react to this tense. Especially Facebook in the measures a massive drawback for large and medium-sized companies.

For months, Apple and Facebook are in a Clinch, in relation to the plans of the iPhone manufacturer, to protect Apps in the future, the privacy of the users more clearly. The Smartphone programs should, in the future, offer transparent options, the collection of data on iPhones limit. The objective should be, Apps, and advertising to stop services to collect information about user behavior on the individual application, and pass on. So no exchange of information with external Apps or websites. Unless the data collection is explicitly allowed. For this purpose, it should be mandatory Pop-ups, the queries in such a decision.

Apple has confirmed the Plan on Thursday, and the reaction with the Launch of the upcoming operating system update, iOS 14 announced. This is expected in the spring.

basis of business will be diluted

Mark Zuckerberg has agreed to pay in the framework of the presentation of the current business is now as sharp as never expressed. He warns that a personalized advertising’ll be significantly more difficult if the valuable information by Tracking (Track of the user lost about several Internet sites and Apps across). This type of advertising was a “cornerstone of Facebook’s business model.”

Not only for Facebook, was this procedure harmful to business, even “smaller companies” would not suffer from that, if you reach the information that you collect Facebook, your customers efficiently.