
Wolfs is a new film that brings together the dynamic duo of Brad Pitt and George Clooney as two fixers who find themselves in a sticky situation. The story revolves around a supposed accidental death that leads them to an unexpected discovery of a young man still alive and a backpack full of stolen drugs. What ensues is a wild and comedic journey through the underworld of New York City, showcasing the undeniable chemistry between Clooney and Pitt.

The film is a mix of workplace comedy and crime caper, utilizing the backdrop of New York City to create a dark and wintery atmosphere. While the plot may seem familiar, the true highlight of Wolfs is the banter and interactions between the two lead actors. Their back-and-forth dialogue about their trade secrets and washed-up status keeps the audience engaged throughout the film.

As the night progresses and the mystery deepens, Wolfs may lose a bit of its momentum, but it remains an entertaining and enjoyable watch. The supporting characters add depth and humor to the story, making it a well-rounded film that fits into the genre of “one night in New York City” movies.

Overall, Wolfs is a fun and engaging film that allows Pitt and Clooney to shine in their respective roles. While it may not be groundbreaking, it is a solid addition to the duo’s filmography and offers an entertaining escape for viewers. Catch Wolfs in limited release in theaters or on Apple TV+ for a night of laughs and thrills.