Most of the Valencian political actors admit the equality between the blocks drawn by the polls (both the public ones and those that the parties keep for their own consumption). Along these lines, after a legislature in which the transfer of votes between left and right has hardly been perceived, the parties point out that the balance can be decided by small details.
A few months before the regional elections -which will be held on May 28-, the implosion of a party like Esquerra Unida does not seem to be the best news for the block that is trying to reissue the Botà nic. Immersed in negotiations with Podem to reissue their coalition -with a different name than Unides Podem and with a different correlation of forces-, the resignation of five key players in the US has generated some confusion since the aftershocks of this earthquake are unpredictable.
More foreseeable was the internal rupture; sources inside and outside the US admit to La Vanguardia that this was a possible scenario due to the increasingly evident tension within this historic party. However, the moment chosen does not seem the most appropriate.
“The problem is that the situation was unsustainable,” the resigned confess; “Some have been subjecting the US coordinator, Rosa Pérez Garijo, to severe personal wear and tear for months and negotiating with the critical minority sector,” they respond from what remains of the leadership.
And it is that the resignations are not exactly from people far from the also Minister of Transparency. In fact, two of the leaders who wrote an email on Saturday to communicate her resignation are those who presented themselves in the Pérez Garijo candidacy for the primaries. A vote where, in addition, Alicante (EstefanÃa Blanes) and Castellón (Antoni Llorente) were chosen as candidates. The photograph of the three candidates posing was taken at the end of November and, now, two of them have left an address on the grounds that they do not feel represented by it.
Few more explanations have been given, since they consider that the reasons have to be explained in the internal organs of the party. Be that as it may, the truth is that the movement weakens the organization, it is a torpedo to the leadership of the general coordinator who faces the negotiation with Podem with great weakness.
Sources from the purple formation explained to this newspaper that they are not going to get into internal issues of other parties and that they will hold “discreet talks to achieve unity” which, they point out, have already begun. Both Podem and the EU understand that it is necessary to reach a pre-election agreement to ensure their presence in the Valencian Corts given the 5% electoral barrier that forces them to add around 130,000-135,000 votes to get representation in the Valencian Chamber.
A negotiation that, after the no of CompromÃs -the internal commotion in the EU gives the reason to those who understood that it was better to go separately-, is limited to the confluence pact that Podem and the EU can reach. The latter had high hopes of achieving better conditions than in the agreement of the last elections (of the eight Unides Podem deputies, only two are from the US), but given the current situation of internal crisis, its negotiating force has weakened. In fact, in the purple lines now they don’t even know who they have to negotiate with.
A complex situation that generates an added problem for the Valencian left, since in order to republish the Botanic, in addition to a strong PSPV and a CompromÃs that can withstand the pull, it is necessary that the third leg does not break.