The disagreement between the Government, the parliamentary groups and other actors who participated yesterday in the summit on the drought in the Palau de la Generalitat has caused this Saturday a crossover of accusations between the PSC, the main opposition force, and Esquerra Republicana, the group that supports the Executive of Pere Aragonès.

The spokeswoman for the Catalan Socialists, Alicia Romero, has asked for another meeting with the Government and has shown her willingness to meet “tomorrow itself” if necessary. In addition, in an interview on RAC1, the leader shook off the accusations made yesterday by the Minister for Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda, Teresa Jordà, of electoral tactics. A criticism that the ERC spokesperson and deputy general secretary, Marta Vilalta, addressed to the socialists on the same Catalan station, this Saturday.

Likewise, the PSC deputy has criticized the management of Minister Jordà in recent years, as she has said, “without having put measures in place” to avoid the current situation of drought in Catalonia. “We all have responsibility, some more than others,” said Romero, who regretted that the Government approved the decree two weeks ago without having previously negotiated with the other groups. In her opinion, that now makes it difficult to reach consensus.

The sanctioning regime to the municipalities was the main reason for discrepancy in a summit that took more than four hours and ended with black smoke. This Saturday, the president of the Generalitat has defended the sanctions in statements to the El9TV channel, and has indicated that “if there is a regulation, it must be complied with and if it is not complied with, there must be consequences”. In any case, he has remarked that the Government will be “flexible” and that its will is to “accompany” the municipalities.

The minister of the branch had indicated a few days ago that the will of the sanctions was “dissuasive”. Today Aragonès has ensured that there is no tax collection spirit, but that the law is complied with and has linked the position of the other parliamentary groups to the proximity of the municipal elections. That makes him, he has said, that “the differences are more extreme”.

Vilalta, for his part, has assured that the Government will apply the decree that was approved to deal with the drought “despite the will to block some”. “The fact that there are groups that do not want to approve these measures does not mean that these measures will not be implemented,” she warned.

The Republican spokesperson, in statements to RAC1, has accused the PSC of having used “tactical and electoral” mechanisms during the summit to block the approval of measures, and has literally defended that the fight against drought is a country task in which there is no room for tactics or electoralism.