The auction that Carles Puigdemont spoke of when the seven seats for Junts in Congress turned out to be decisive in the XV legislature has not ended with the agreement for the constitution of the Table. In fact, the political negotiation into which the bid translates has only just begun. And ERC, which the renewed prominence of the former president has caught with a changed pace, will not accept that for his goods, of equal value – seven deputies – although more worn by use, they pay him less.

No border has been crossed since Waterloo, Puigdemont wanted to make clear yesterday by warning that his support for Francina Armengol does not presuppose a return to the “fold”. It is one thing for the Balearic Islands to preside over the Lower House after the pact reached with the PSOE, thanks to which Catalan will be able to be spoken in plenary sessions and investigation commissions will be activated on the espionage with Pegasus against pro-independence politicians and the attacks of 17-A in Barcelona and Cambrils, and another very different one that Pedro Sánchez obtains the yes for his investiture.

In a long message on Twitter, Puigdemont analyzes the political situation and describes a different reality from the “caricature” of Junts per Catalunya that has been presented in certain “circles of media influence”, which are now trying to understand what it is and who represents the see that “it is not exactly as they had painted it”.

The image that has been projected for years of the formation that he leads was distorted by an “erroneous narrative”, he maintains, so that the conclusion that Junts has finally “understood what this politics is about and now it is different” it is equally unsuccessful. “If that makes you happy, let them enjoy it,” Puigdemont ironically.

But not only Junts has returned to the starting box in the investiture after the step forward in the constitution of Congress; Also ERC, so as not to be relegated by its rival in the race for independence primacy, separates the legislative power from the executive and puts the score at zero: the negotiations will be “long and complex”, Pere Aragonès predicted yesterday.

The president of the Generalitat, whose party on Thursday wrested an agreement from the Socialists to de-judicialize the process and end the “repression”, raised the value of his support for the continuity of Sánchez in Moncloa. Although the pact in Congress is “positive”, the investiture of the acting Prime Minister “is neither further nor closer than yesterday,” said Aragonès in Sabadell.

The person in charge of setting the re-evaluated price of ERC was the deputy Teresa Jordà, who assured that without an amnesty law there will be no investiture: it is “a red line”, she warned. “Not only do they have to let it be processed,” but “it must move forward,” said the former minister, for whom it would be “reckless” for the PSOE to already take it for granted.

All in all, the optimism of ERC, which sees the arrival of “the time to resolve the political conflict with the State” and considers the congressional agreement a first step to “continue advancing” towards a “second phase”, contrasts with the distrust of Junts , whose parliamentary leader, Míriam Nogueras, announced yesterday that she will not attend the round of consultations with the King.