The acting Minister of Equality, Irene Montero, presented this Thursday the MeToca application, as part of the Co-Responsible Plan, to better distribute domestic and care tasks. This new application, which is available for Apple and Android, tries to count the tasks assigned to home and care and evaluate the distribution of loads to highlight possible existing inequalities.

“From feminism we have learned that collaborating allows us to move forward. MeToca aims precisely that, that through collaboration we can distribute tasks and end inequality in the use of time. Collaborating everything is much better. It is time that the same old tasks do not fall on the same old ones,” proclaimed Montero in the presentation of the campaign that aims to “propose a reflection to Spanish society on the distribution of tasks and, therefore, the distribution and uses of time”.

The development of the application cost 211,750 euros and fell to the technology consultancy Wairbut S.A., according to data collected by Europa Press from the Public Sector Contracting Platform.

In the application, the distribution of tasks is carried out by family or cohabitation unit and each user who registers is part of a team. That is to say, in addition to the traditional role of couple, other people with whom care is shared, such as children or roommates, who are usually invisible in this distribution, have been incorporated.

In this sense, special attention has been paid to facilitating the use of the application in order to reach a wide audience, without the need for special digital skills, highlighted Igualdad.

In relation to tasks, the application has a series of standardized tasks registered and users will also be able to create their own categories. In this regard, special care has been taken to consider both physical tasks and those that involve a mental load.

The aim is to give visibility to the hidden burdens associated with care. The application therefore allows you to add and modify the times spent completing predefined tasks.

In relation to the count, with the recorded data, the application will generate a series of weekly, monthly and annual statistics, which show the time used in carrying out these tasks within the unit or team, and be able to highlight possible existing inequalities.

According to the National Survey of Working Conditions carried out by the National Institute of Safety and Health at Work, women invest 12.5 more hours a week than men in unpaid work, to the detriment of their main job, to which they dedicate 5 8 hours less per week than men.

According to the EPA, 76% of part-time contracts correspond to women, who increase the time dedicated to unpaid work (30 hours a week) when they have part-time work. Men, on the other hand, usually dedicate the same number of hours to unpaid work (14 hours a week), regardless of whether they work part-time or full-time.

Along with the presentation of the application, the campaign spot ‘Where have you been?’ was also shown, with the song of the same name, composed and produced by Sonando Voy and performed by Sofía Vargas.