National Police agents have arrested five people in the province of Valencia and have released eight victims of sexual exploitation who lived crowded together on mattresses on the floor in several floors in the municipalities of Alzira and Xàtiva where they were coerced into prostitution.

The criminal organization that sexually exploited its victims deceived them through advertisements on contact pages with false financial promises, taking advantage of their irregular situation and vulnerability, according to reports from the National Police.

The detainees determined what type of sexual practices their victims had to carry out, imposed economic sanctions on them if they refused, and forced them to be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

The criminal network operated throughout Spain and was based in the province of Valencia, from where they recruited women who were, in most cases, in an irregular legal situation, through advertisements on contact web pages and offered them a “square” in brothels under the promise of great economic benefits. Subsequently, they distributed them to house them in the two homes they ran, located in Alzira and Xàtiva.

As soon as they arrived at these homes, the members of the network imposed abusive conditions on them to practice prostitution and detained them in subhuman conditions: despite having free bedrooms, they had to sleep crammed into bunk beds and sofas or on mattresses, directly on the floor, with the clothes stuffed in suitcases, without closets, since the rooms were destined exclusively for the exercise of prostitution.

The characteristics of each sexual service, including the price, were determined by the detainees, and the women had to give their exploiters half of what they obtained for the service, in addition to being financially sanctioned if they refused to perform certain sexual practices. .

The leader of the organization gave them instructions on how to serve customers or if they were made up or dressed correctly to serve them. She also controlled the time spent in sexual services and the money they obtained for it, in addition to monitoring the victims with video surveillance cameras installed in the dating floors, which captured their every movement.

The women were obliged to write down in a notebook, together with their name and the nickname with which they practiced prostitution, the amount of money obtained for each sexual service, the duration of the service and the narcotic substance that the clients acquired and that they had to provide if they were to do so. they requested it. Thus, the so-called “white parties” took place, whose participation originated under the claim of sex and drugs inside the apartments.

Clients could pay for the use of sexual services through electronic payment applications, depositing money into the account associated with the detainees’ phones, with which they controlled the benefits.

During the operation, eight victims of sexual exploitation have been released and five people have been arrested -four in Alzira and one in Canals- as allegedly responsible for the crimes of belonging to a criminal organization, crimes related to prostitution and against health public.

Four house searches have been carried out in Alzira (2), Alberic (1) and Xàtiva (1) in which 72,025 euros in cash, cocaine and marijuana ready for sale, a laptop, four mobile phones and related documentation have been seized with the investigation.