Preserves are a perfect resource for those days when time is short and the goal is to prepare a healthy meal. On toast, served in salads or as an accompaniment to vegetables, they offer many possibilities. But, when choosing them in the supermarket, it is not always clear which is the most nutritious: are those that contain olive oil or those with sunflower oil better? Do we buy them naturally?

Raquel Fernández, member of the General Council of Official Associations of Dietitians-Nutritionists and of the Professional Association of Dietitians-Nutritionists of La Rioja (Codinular) has responded to these doubts in an interview for Infosalus. The expert highlights that it is more advisable to opt for natural preserves and, once at home, add the quality oil that we prefer.

“This way you check what you are taking. Although if we make sure that the oil they use is virgin olive oil, they could also be healthy,” she says. When asked if canned oil can be used to dress a salad, Fernández responds that she usually throws it away, “although we may not do so depending on what the can contains.”

Although their purchase may raise some doubts and you should always read the label before purchasing them, the Professional College of Dietitians-Nutritionists of La Rioja insists that these products “can be a perfect ally in your pantry, whether they contain legumes, vegetables or fish.” And they give five examples of good preserves:

Fernández reminds, however, that we must avoid products that contain poor quality oils, large amounts of salt or added sugars. And that “it is vitally important” to take food safety into account when we talk about preserves. “In some places, canning at home is very common, and we must assess the possible associated risks if we do not carry out appropriate hygiene and food safety measures,” he concludes.