* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

The natural environment of Pla de la Calma, where we find Sant Cebrià de la Móra, lives up to its name and is a very quiet place, as reflected in these snapshots in La Vanguardia’s Readers’ Photos.

There is an illustrative legend. They say that there are no trees in Pla de la Calma because Jaume I used the fir trees from that forest, whose wood was of great quality, to make the masts of the ships.

The Pla de la Calma is an altiplano in the westernmost part of the Montseny massif. It is included in the municipalities of Figueró, Tagamanent, Sant Pere de Vilamajor, Garriga and Cànoves and Samalús.

Pla de la Calma joins the other large mountain groups that make up Montseny: the top of Turó de l’Home (1,706 m), the Agudes (1,703 m) and the Matagalls (1,697 m).

Sant Cebrià de la Móra was built as a Romanesque temple, probably around the 11th or 12th century. With thick walls, you can see that its bell tower is not very high. It is a church with a single nave.

The place name of Móra is documented for the first time between 898 and 917, although in some documents from the 11th and 12th centuries the church is known as Sant Cebrià de Biscala, in relation to a mountain range and a domain that was called: “Biscala “, “Bischala. The name of Móra, surely of plant origin, like that of Figuera or Perera, was the name of an old rural town or large property that has been identified with Clot. The term already appears written in 1666 .