
A Fredericksburg man has been arrested for alleged sexual assaults that took place over 40 years ago at a horse farm in Great Falls. The victim, Stephanie, came forward in June to report multiple instances of sexual assault that she experienced during her youth. Stephanie emphasizes the importance of accountability for perpetrators of such crimes and urges other victims to speak out, assuring them that it may not be too late to seek justice.

The suspect, 81-year-old Edward Shelton, is facing two counts of indecent liberties charges for the assaults that occurred between 1980 and 1983. It was revealed that Shelton worked as a horse farrier on various horse farms in Northern Virginia, which may have provided him with access to his victims. Fairfax County Police were able to identify Shelton as a suspect following an investigation into the allegations made by Stephanie and another witness.

Stephanie’s bravery in coming forward has shed light on the decades-old crimes and has potentially opened the door for other victims to seek justice. She shares her own experience of being assaulted between the ages of 11 and 13, highlighting the lasting impact such trauma can have on survivors. Stephanie’s hope is that by sharing her story, she can empower other victims to speak out and hold their abusers accountable.

Fairfax County Police are urging any other victims who may have been assaulted by Shelton to come forward and share their experiences. The importance of speaking up and seeking justice, no matter how much time has passed, is emphasized in this case. By encouraging other victims to share their stories, Stephanie hopes to bring closure and healing to herself and others who have been affected by Shelton’s actions.