The second vice president and acting Minister of Labor and leader of Sumar, Yolanda Díaz, this Sunday was not in favor of supporting the proposal of the Canary Islands Coalition made in an interview with La Vanguardia to propose a deputy from the PNV to preside over the next Table of the Congress of Deputies.

In an act held in the Galician town of O Carballiño, where he has been together with Marta Louis, Sumar’s parliamentary spokesperson, Díaz stated that the tables “have to be the answer to what the Spanish voted for”, according to what he collected on his website The Sixth TV.

“The Congress Table, which manages the daily life of Spaniards, has to be in accordance with what the citizens voted for,” he said, explaining at the same time that they are holding talks to achieve the formation of a “progressive” table.

These meetings, as the acting Executive has always said, are “discreet”, and he advanced that specific agreements will be closed until next Thursday, the day on which the Board of the Lower House will be officially formed.

“There are times where a force can imply that there are agreements, but the agreements will be exposed publicly through dialogue,” said spokeswoman Lois for her part.

In his interview with this newspaper, the President of the Government of the Canary Islands, Fernando Clavijo, affirms that they would “love it” if the Congress of Deputies was chaired in the new legislature by a “deputy of the PNV”.

“I believe that democracy in Spain has reached a sufficient degree of maturity for a representative of that plurality to preside over Congress. Our bet is for the PNV, for the presidency or the vice presidency”, he pointed out before assuring that they hold “very frequent conversations” with that party, with which they could form an axis that would add six deputies, the five from the Basque nationalists and the seat won by the Canarian Coalition.

Regarding their preference to negotiate the stability of a future government, Clavijo recalled that from the outset they expressed their rejection of extremes. “We are not going to support a government with Vox ministers, nor do we want to support Sumar,” he specified.

In his speech, Díaz also called on the political parties to “convite the necessary agreements to facilitate a Government as soon as possible”, given the imminence of the start of the school year and the “life of the people, with problems” that are going to to the rhythm of “political time”.

In addition, according to what he said, the citizens asked at the polls for “a progressive government” and would not understand “a setback or an “interruption” of the achievements of the government of the last legislature.

The former mayor of Barcelona Ada Colau has also sent a message to Junts, Carles Puigdemont’s party, on which an eventual investiture of Pedro Sánchez depends, by stating in an interview with EFE that repeating the general elections “would be seriously irresponsible” that ” it would encourage anti-politics” and give Vox another “opportunity”.

Finally, Díaz also made reference to the allegation of the singer Eva Amaral during her performance at the Sonoroma festival in Aranda de Duero (Burgos), where she showed her breasts while performing the song “Revolution” as a sign of support for the dignity of women.

“I want to thank Eva Amaral. It is not a gesture, it is much more; It is a claim for the rights that are in danger by Feijóo and the extreme right. They are practicing policies against women and against the LGTBI collective”, stressed the leader of Sumar.