Just two weeks ago, China and Russia were the eternal and non-negotiable axis of evil; the invasion of Ukraine could only end with the ousting of Putin after a painful winter without heating and we Europeans had to face the billionaire part of our war bill, because the Ukrainians paid much more – with their lives – for our freedom.

The Communist Party of China had also decided at its congress to follow a hard line that was going to leave us without everything at a hundred and without Huaweis (and without, alas, electric cars that seem to be cheap and efficient like so many things that Chinese, like the Japanese before, copy us, but better) in inevitable resignation to prevent Fu Manchu from taking our chips and condemning us to yellow slavery after razing Taiwan.

Now it turns out that Xi Jinping was not so bad and Biden agrees to meet him between smiles; details of new peace plans – some incredibly plausible – pour in every day, and Putin hands over Kherson without firing a shot.

What has happened suddenly?

And before I get stuck in immigration to return to my beloved NYU –as after interviewing the director of Al Qaeda in La Contra– I specify that I am clear, like the great Kissinger, who is my son of a bitch: the enemies of our democracy .

Thanks to her I can say that Biden screwed up in Afghanistan, leaving himself weak, old and sloppy (what Americans do not forgive is weak). And that, seeing him soft, Putin thought it was time to put his bloody paw in and launch the tanks at him.

Biden has since been forced to appear tough and efficient if he is to survive the midterm elections. And it is what he has done successfully, that he celebrated, with his campaign of brave posturing, that we have applauded.

After her, he has sent his Security adviser to pressure Zelenski to negotiate, and the director of the CIA, the day before yesterday, to negotiate now with the Kremlin: in the official version on nuclear arsenal; in practice, the peace of a better winter for all. And remember that the most accurate economists have announced 25 of the last five recessions.