The coverage of the section of the Dalt ring road between the Vall d’Hebron institute and Vallcarca avenue, the only one to be executed that has an executive project drawn up, but that had been in a drawer for some time, will soon see the light. Barcelona City Council will initially approve the document next Tuesday, October 17, with the intention that, once it receives the definitive green light, the works will be put out to tender and start in the second quarter of 2024.

We will begin with the T-shaped central wall that will support the structure and the emergency exits (three on each side). Its cost is estimated at 17.7 million euros and will be carried out next year and in 2025. Immediately afterwards, the cover, facilities and finishes of the new tunnel and six service passages will be installed, which will go into another project, with a cost of 10 million and execution in 2026 and the first half of 2027.

Lastly will be the urbanization of the resulting space, which is planned to be carried out next by collecting the ideas of the participatory processes that are planned to open, so that everything will be ready in mid-2028 with a total investment of 40 million (33 million this mandate).

This section, 340 meters long, is adjacent to the last one that was covered from Jordà Avenue, 200 meters long, opened at the beginning of 2020. Thus, when the work that is now going to be reactivated is completed, the Dalt ring road will have 540 consecutive meters covered between La Teixonera and Sant Genís that will form a new urban tunnel.

The councilor of Horta-Guinardó, Lluís Rabell, highlighted this Wednesday that with this work the agreement recently sealed by PSC, Junts, BComú, ERC and PP to cover the Dalt round is finalized with a first step since there will be two more phases in this district, in addition to others in other parts of the city. “It is a historic debt to the residents of these neighborhoods who have been enduring inconveniences for so many years for the benefit of Barcelona’s mobility,” said the mayor.

“It is not about covering roads, but about connecting neighborhoods, generating new urban space and allowing these connections to revitalize the environment,” said the councilor, who also assured that it will be a “participated transformation, which will include voice and opinion.” and the work, not only of experts, but of neighborhood entities”, as provided for in the aforementioned pact, which includes the creation of a commission for this purpose.

Neighborhood representatives have expressed their satisfaction that such a long-sought project is being unblocked, but they have regretted the delay, have questioned the order of the sections that are planned to be executed and have demanded that their proposals be heard so that the final result responds to Your expectations.