On November 28, Barcelona will host the presentation gala of the new stars that Michelin will distribute in its 2024 edition. And, while the big night arrives, the red guide has revealed this morning in the Sants market some details about what that party will be like. of gastronomy that will be held from 7 p.m. in the Forum auditorium of the CCIB and that will be broadcast in streaming from 6:30 p.m., one hour earlier than usual. Among them, the name of the person in charge of presenting the gala, who this year will be Andreu Buenafuente, and the name of the chefs who will participate in the dinner that will close the night, which will be attended by more than 700 people.

Those in charge of captaining the team and organizing the gala menu will be the tri-stars Jordi Cruz (Àbac), Sergio and Javier Torres (Cocina Hermanos Torres) and Paolo Casagrande (Lasarte). They will be accompanied in the kitchen by Oriol Castro, Eduard Xatruch and Mateu Casañas (Enjoy); Raül Balam (Moments), David Andrés (Vía Veneto), Albert Adrià (Enigma), Albert Raurich (Dos Palillos) and Hideki Matsushi (Koy Shunka). In total, there are 12 chefs belonging to nine restaurants that together have 13 Michelin stars.

According to Mónica Rius, communication director of Michelin Spain and Portugal, these chefs have been selected following a series of criteria with the intention of representing the diversity of the gastronomy of the Catalan capital in the most varied way possible. Among them is not that of parity, Rius pointed out when asked at a press conference why no women have been invited to participate.

Although no details have been given about what the gala menu will be like, Jordi Cruz has stated that it will be varied and diverse, “like Barcelona.” He has also assured that more important than the food will be the cast of stars of the night, since “Michelin is like MasterChef, good things happen and bad things happen.”

Sergio and Javier Torres, on the other hand, have taken advantage of their turn to speak to emphasize that, since this year’s gala is held in Barcelona, ??”hopefully the new cast of stars will be generous with the Catalan territory.”

In addition, at today’s presentation event, the red guide announced a series of actions that will be carried out in the Catalan capital in the days prior to the gala. For example, the debate that Michelin organizes annually will be held on November 13 in La Pedrera and that the chosen theme will be the world of wine. It will be presented by the communicator Amaya Cervera, recently awarded a National Gastronomy award, and sommeliers, winegrowers and experts such as Luis Gutiérrez, Quim Vila, Audrey Doré, Ferran Centelles, Cristina Díaz, Sara Pérez, Ricardo P. Palacios or Ignacio Villalgordo.

Haute cuisine will also be brought to the city’s markets through showcookings by great chefs with the aim of making this great festival of gastronomy that is Michelin reach the citizens. The activity will be called El teu Mercatté una Estrella and will begin next Friday at Mercat de Mercats. To participate in person you must register, although the showcookings will also be broadcast in streaming.

Furthermore, starting tomorrow, Michelin will promote the Barcelona DNA Excellence communication action, which aims to make the city’s gastronomy visible on an international scale. Through social networks, the public will be invited to make a chain with creative famous people who are representative of Barcelona’s DNA, and there will be a raffle: a double ticket to the Michelin 2024 gala.