Tranquility is priceless. And to achieve it, we are talking today about Housfy Rental’s guaranteed collection service, an alternative to non-payment insurance for owners that involves managing payments through direct debits and guarantees up to 12 months of rental income.

The Housfy Rentals platform guarantees rent collection for up to 12 months, and can subrogate the risk to an external insurance company.

Payments are issued on the 7th of each month, and the landlord will always receive them, even if the tenant does not pay.

The first month would go towards the additional guarantee; the rest, Housfy advances them to the owner while he tries to find the most effective legal solution.

Guaranteed collection, in reality, is an added advantage of the payment management system that Housfy carries out to automate and, therefore, facilitate the collection of income from the rentals it manages.

In case of non-payment, the owner would receive payment, yes or yes every month, directly from Housfy. Housfy would then take care of recovering that money from the tenant through the means he deems appropriate. An insurance company, on the other hand, will review the case and will not pay until you file a lawsuit. It would take two or three months for the owner to receive the money while the situation is regulated.

An independent insurer, for its part, will be more alienated from the case, since it will not have dealt with the tenant in the selection process, signing the lease contract and subsequent management of incidents.

Hiring an external company actually requires an extra solvency study to make sure that ensuring payment is viable. With Housfy, everything goes together: Housfy reduces the risk of non-payment with its tools to calculate the solvency of tenants and the client will receive all the benefits they request without having to carry out additional procedures.

Housfy offers various packages depending on the owner’s needs. The most complete and common is the comprehensive rental management service, which already includes guaranteed payment, in addition to the resolution of incidents during the rental.

The other packages are formed from combinations of property marketing, guaranteed collection and rental management services.

It would be possible, to give an example, to delegate to Housfy the publication of the property and selection of the tenant and to disengage after signing, or to contract management of a previously rented property. Similarly, an owner can request the guarantee of collection of an already current rent.

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