If there is a flag that unites all Peruvians, it is that of gastronomy. Hence, today is an important day for the Andean country, whose most widespread dish in the world, ceviche, has been declared by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Intangible Cultural Heritage of The humanity.

The decision was made during the eighteenth meeting held by the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of Universal Heritage, which began last Monday and will conclude on Saturday in the city of Kasane, northern Botswana.

The initiative is based on a proposal that referred to “practices and meanings associated with the preparation and consumption of ceviche”, an expression of traditional Peruvian cuisine and which was one of the 55 applications that were registered in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity that the committee was examining in the African country.

Ceviche, a preparation based on fish or shellfish marinated with citrus fruits, is a dish that chef Gastón Acurio has contributed in a crucial way to making known throughout the planet thanks to the many Peruvian restaurants that he has opened, as well as his informative and social work.

The most international of Peruvian chefs left a proclamation written on the walls of some of his establishments, signed with his name, which today he sees fulfilled: “One day, Peruvian cebiche will be loved all the world.”

The Botswana meeting coincides on this occasion with the twentieth anniversary of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. Ceviche joins other Intangible Heritage of Humanity preparations or cuisines such as Turkish coffee, Michoacán-style Mexican food, Kimchi or the Mediterranean diet.