The Spanish Meteorological Association has announced the winners of Fotometeo’s Photo of the Year 2022, an honor that has fallen to Carme Molist, a photographer with her own page on the La Vanguardia Readers Network, where you can follow her photographic reports.

Molist, with his year-end sunset photograph, has shared first place with the snapshot Stormy Night in good company, signed by David Esteban, as reported by the AME in a tweet.

In his photography, Molist portrayed one of his favorite elements of the Manlleu landscape, his town, the Puig-agut sanctuary, in the midst of some clouds that have often seduced his camera, as shown by his reports regularly published in Las Fotos of the Readers of La Vanguardia.

Molist’s snapshots have been chosen several times as the best among all the contributions in the community of readers of La Vanguardia. Without going any further, a photograph of his of the drought in the meander of the Ter was chosen as the best of last March.

Molist, a farmer by profession and a great connoisseur of her land, Osona, has won different prizes, such as the Europhotometeo. “I wouldn’t change my camera for anything,” she said in an interview in La Vanguardia.