The Valencian president, Carlos Mazón, has today asked for “unity” from Valencians to demand a “satisfactory solution” to the “financing deficit” suffered by the Valencian Community, as well as a response in terms of investments that is “in accordance with the weight and projection” of the Valencian economy. “An adequate response, not just any response,” he noted in his institutional speech on October 9.

In his speech in which he alternated between Valencian and Castilian, he defended the need for a “sense of State” to “establish and prioritize strategic infrastructures” such as, among others, the Port of Valencia, which he stressed that “it is not a whim autonomous, but a need for all of Spain”. But he has also called for the “Mediterranean corridor; which is not just a question for Valencians.”

The regional leader has called for a “sensible and sustainable” response to the “water problem” for the province of Alicante, which applies “the constitutional principles of distributive justice and solidarity between regions”, as well as “a response for the industry”, among which has highlighted ceramics, “especially neglected despite its strategic contribution to the common wealth.”

“None of these major issues are a matter of money or resources, even if they are. They are a matter of people,” stressed the ‘president’, who justified that this demand for more resources “does not begin and end in a debt account.” and assets”, since “distributing resources is distributing opportunities, and behind every opportunity there is a person”.

Mazón has pointed out that this Day of the Valencian Community the Generalitat claims “our legitimate aspirations”, although he has pointed out that the objective is to “meet equally legitimate expectations.” Among them, those of a public health system that “deserves to be dignified”; those of health workers who deserve “attention and recognition”; those of social services that must be “decent at last”; those of the elderly and vulnerable people; those of those who “have been waiting for years for a housing policy that really works”; those of an education “for the future for our children”; and those of young people, who expect “something more than words.”

And to meet these expectations, he warned, “it is not enough” to request more resources, but rather “to guarantee efficient management that supports our own arguments.” “More autonomy means simplifying procedures for people and companies. More autonomy means more protection for women. More autonomy means more security on our streets. More autonomy means energy sovereignty. More autonomy to claim, in a unitary way, Valencian civil law” , has framed.

For all these reasons, he has indicated that the Generalitat intends to be “a reference” for those who believe that “the trajectory of the past and the work that lies ahead for our self-government deserve to be dignified.”

“A Generalitat where all the citizens of the three provinces are recognized, and that always claims the interest of all above that of a few,” he stated, while considering that “the magnitude” of all these challenges “is equivalent to the amount of opportunities that each one of them represents”.

Mazón has also asked for “conviction” to “continue advancing” in the development of self-government, which, he stated, “has contributed so much to the progress of Valencians and Spain as a whole.” “Also with the commitment to do so with the help of everyone and from a deep sense of public service, respect for plurality, and defense of institutions and our hallmarks,” he added.