snow chaos in large Parts of Germany – when the roads are hopelessly in snow, the car easy to put.

Who’s driving now makes a surprising discovery: technology can be a hindrance! Because security wizard, save, otherwise, life, interfere with the Free.

And the Electronic stability program (ESP), the so-called whiplash protection. It prevents the wheels from spinning on Sensors that measure 25 times per second, the slip at each wheel. A wheel rotates considerably too fast, it is braked automatically, or the System reduces engine power.

►This prevents the Break, and thus accidents, but it can lead to that now, that you open the throttle, but the wheels are turning’t move an inch.

anyone Who has a small car and a few friendly helper, the Snow photo: Jonas Walzberg/dpa

technology, slide out saves lives

The technology, effectively protects against the car into a Skid. Especially on a smooth surface in the case of ice and snow, ESP cannot prevent accidents, or at least mitigate.

► Therefore, the basic rule is now: “In the normal driving operation you should switch off the ESP in no case! It ensures that a vehicle remains in the snow, stable in the track,“ said a ADAC-spokesperson of the IMAGE.

But who has fixed, it can sometimes despair at ESP: this is Because a car got stuck in deep snow, it is often helpful, with a high level of performance in the snow under the tires, “wegzubaggern”. “It can be in deep snow or Sand is better to let the wheels are turning and the Sand or snow, in a sense, has be shoveled away, to generate traction,” says brought a spokeswoman for the electronic-component supplier Bosch, the ESP 25 years ago on the market.

► The electronic anti-skid thwarted, because it prevents the wheels from spinning and the motor performance during Start-up throttles.