Something has moved on the political board after Vox’s decision not to demand its entry into a hypothetical PP government to vote for the investiture of Alberto Núñez Feijóo. Although the PNV has reiterated its rejection today (“everything stays the same”, say the Basque nationalists), the Canary Islands Coalition, which maintained an exquisite equidistance between popular and socialists, has clearly opened up to supporting the PP candidate if the ultra-right does not enter the equation.

Of course, in addition to the commitment to rule out “the participation of Vox in a future government led by the PP”, the island nationalists want guarantees that the new executive will defend “the Canarian agenda”. They have announced this in a statement in which, in addition to being “willing to speak”, they recall that their “red lines” go through “not supporting any government made up of the extreme right or left”, in which they place some of the formations that make up the Sumar coalition.

Once this possibility has been “cleared”, the Canarian nationalists, who govern the islands in coalition with the PP although the PSOE was the party with the most votes in the regional elections, insist that they are “open to engaging in dialogue” with the popular ” with a view to the future investiture debate of the next president of the State Government”.

CC insists that “the new scenario does not change” its demands in matters such as the recovery of hydraulic or educational infrastructure agreements, the exemption from the increase in airport taxes in 2024 planned by Aena or the co-management of Canarian airports, among other tax claims, with the reform of the regional financing system towards “a fairer model with the Canary Islands” on the horizon.

For its part, the PP has received this movement with a note in which it recalls that Feijóo has more parliamentary support, today, than the acting President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, for which reason “he will do everything possible to expand his support in the coming days and for getting the Congress of Deputies to invest him as president in the event that the King proposes to form a government as the winner of the general elections”.

“Feijóo is five seats away (with the support of CC it would only be four) from assembling a majority (set at 176) for a solo government, and Sánchez could only avoid it if, after losing the elections, he tries what no one has ever done : opt for an inauguration after being defeated and opting for the support of each and every one of the nationalist or pro-independence parties of our country,” popular sources underline.