Student life is not easy or cheap, so many of them have no choice but to find a part-time (or full-time, depending on the case) job in order to live. Unfortunately, not all families can afford to send their children to study abroad or pay for tuition, books, material, etc. what higher education entails.
There is also the possibility of starting an internship or internship during the student period to gradually acquire new knowledge and skills within the field of our interest. However, the limited remunerations that are given in these cases cause many students to try to find a paid job to pay for their studies.
The most frequent options for students who want or have to work are part-time jobs, either during the mornings or afternoons when they don’t have classes, or on weekends. There is also the possibility of finding jobs on a one-off basis, which usually allows them to focus more on their studies, but it is not a stable source of income.
The jobs that students access the most are usually related to the world of hospitality, weekend shifts or just a few hours a day. Many others choose to give private classes to children in areas related to their specialty, but it is a job that is normally only done during the school period. There is also the possibility of working during the holidays, since in many places they hire either reinforcement staff, such as at Christmas time, or replacement staff to cover the holidays of permanent workers, such as in summer.
A priori, the only limitation to access the labor market is having the legal age for it. But you should keep in mind that, if you receive a scholarship, working at the same time can be inconvenient for you.
In the case of students from other countries, they must take into account that the student visa allows them to work, as long as it is with a day that does not exceed 20 hours a week or, if it is a full-time job, that the contract not exceed 3 months. It is not necessary to process any other permit, since the student visa is enough.
In many cases it is a need that does not leave much room for maneuver for those young people who, otherwise, could not afford to continue with their studies. But there are also many people who choose this option to gain professional experience in the sector in which they are specializing.
Whatever the situation, it is very important to know how to organize yourself properly so that both tasks can be made compatible, a mission that is not easy in most cases. Establishing fixed schedules and routines whenever possible is something that will be of great help to you, since it will allow you to distinguish the time spent for each of the things in a different way.
Try to eat a varied and healthy diet, since combining both tasks will require a large amount of energy. Rest is also vital: try to follow a schedule routine whenever possible and sleep 8 hours a day.
It is very important that you have your priorities clear. If you work “just” to gain experience or earn some extra money, but not out of necessity, you have to be clear about your ultimate goal, which should be to finish your studies. It is important that work does not absorb you too much or take away the time necessary for good performance in your training.