If you are vegetarian, vegan or vegan, feed her teddy bear with a power base other animals contravenes inevitably to his convictions in favour of the environment and animal welfare. Why would there be a bone to remove all or part of the meat products from the bowl of his four-legged companion ?

“Puppy Love “, by Matthew Grabelsky, oil on canvas, 2020. MATTHEW GRABELSKY For : yes, but there’s a bone

Share its poké bowl or blanquette the seitan with Caesar, or Luna ? No, of course not. The dog is by nature a carnivore not strict, in which the organization is certainly capable of metabolizing plant, but that predisposes biologically to cover their basic needs with proteins and lipids of animal origin, of which he draws a quarantine of vital nutrients. He found to his taste, these proteins can be replaced by proteins of plant origin.

The diet housewife vegetarian, that is to say, the home-cooked meals prepared for her dog, just like the diet industry, the basic food of vegetable protein or insects, should be developed with the help of a veterinarian to ensure its nutritional value and digestive. “It is not a matter of simply giving the dog the same thing as what you eat. Some foods are toxic to dogs, and we do not have the same needs ” , alert however, the site provégétalisme Veganimalis.com before giving all the tricks for a diet, vegetarian balanced – without any protein of animal origin, including egg-and-cheese – and necessarily-supplemented amino acids, vitamins and minerals.

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it’s Useless to count on green and ethical illusions. “Feed a dog so vegan has no more meaning than feeding a rabbit with the mouse. This is a lack of respect for their basic needs, ” says dr. Geraldine Blanchard, veterinarian, for which vegetarianism, diet, household and industrial, in no case can apply to puppies, large jigs, or during pregnancy or lactation. In these situations in particular, such a scheme would be too low in protein and fat, and too rich in carbohydrates. For the specialist in nutrition, at least to do, in particular, a sprain in accepting the fish, ” this plan is never optimal, and difficult to balance even to cover the minimum. We run to the deficiency very easily.”

A vegetarian diet can sometimes have a temporary interest diagnostics for the dog reacts to. But for him to impose a diet by nature is upset, it is not to make the most of its needs constituent. It would be utopian to believe that a dog will gnaw a celeriac or an ear of corn as it would be fun to do with all of his bone marrow. The well-being canin goes also by the pleasure of eating.

there is that on the slippers vegan that all the world will hear ! “Otherwise, your best bet is probably to choose a pet a vegetarian, herbivore or granivore, there are many, very cute, a bunny rabbit, a bird… but avoid the carnivorous “, recommends dr. Blanchard.

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