Bruguera, a corner of peace in the Vall de Ribes, is one of the most picturesque towns in the Catalan Pyrenees. In this photographic report by Joel Bares in La Vanguardia’s Readers’ Photos, we reveal curiosities and experiences that make this town a special place.

Located at the foot of the majestic Taga, Bruguera has a long history related to its privileged waters. With fountains and springs emanating from the earth, the town was formerly a place of pilgrimage for the sick, since its waters were considered medicinal, as explained by Pascual Madoz in the fourth volume of the Geographical-Statistical-Historical Dictionary of Spain and its Possessions of overseas:

“Inside it there is a source of nitrous mineral waters, titled the BaƱos de Rivas, which many sick people attend.”

Its mineral wealth is so important that, currently, the Aigua de Ribes bottling and distribution plant is located near Bruguera, in one of the springs that run around the bucolic town.

It is not strange to walk among chickens and feel peace when we wander through the narrow streets of Bruguera. This makes this small village an idyllic place for lovers of tranquility and those fleeing big cities. Thanks to its enviable environment, the area is full of routes and trails that are worth walking to contemplate its beauty.

The tranquility that is breathed at the foot of Taga also allows you to enjoy spirituality. In the main square of the town we find the church of Sant Feliu de Bruguera, which dates back to the 12th century. Although initially considered a Romanesque temple, it was completely renovated in the 18th century.

It should be noted that, next to the church, there is one of the most important houses in terms of number of cattle, from the mid-19th century: Cal Feliu de Bruguera. And currently who is in charge of the production of the famous Mel de Ribes.