Carles Puigdemont’s lawyer, Gonzalo Boye, has assured that if his client is in a position to be sworn in as president of the Generalitat after the May 12 elections, he is willing to run the risk of being arrested considering that the Amnesty law that It was approved yesterday in Congress and will be in force by then and “each person must take responsibility for their actions” in a veiled warning addressed to the judges.

In an interview in El Món with RAC1, Boye assumed that Puigdemont will run in the Catalan elections and, asked about the possibility that if he wins the elections and can be sworn in, he crosses the border and will be arrested, he acknowledged that “it is a possibility.” , but what will not be able to prevent him from being president of the Generalitat.”

“When the president makes a decision he is going to take it to the end, that means that he is going to stand where he has to stand,” the lawyer insisted, pointing out that this is precisely the “fear” and “nervousness.” of Pedro Sánchez and Pere Aragonès, “that he can stand for the elections, that he wins them and that he can also be invested as president of Catalonia”.

The lawyer has also added that this fear is “justified” and has suggested that “it is what has led to coordinating agendas”, alluding to the date of the elections, prior to the entry into force of the criminal forgetfulness rule, which, in his opinion, the head of the Executive and the president of the Generalitat would have agreed upon. “The only ones who can prevent it are the Catalan citizens when they vote,” Boye stressed at the end of the interview.

The lawyer has not set a date for the supposed return of the Junts leader to Catalonia and current MEP, but has pointed to the end of May or beginning of June as “reasonable dates”, since the Amnesty should see a definitive green light in Congress. , after passing through the Senate, and coming into force around the third week of May.

It will be then that the judges, who must apply the amnesty, must review the cases and in the case of the former president, in Boye’s opinion, the Supreme Court magistrate Pablo Llarena must waive the precautionary measures that affect him, including the arrest order. that weighs on him in Spain. Questioned about the attitude of the judges, the lawyer has questioned whether they “make a kind of conscientious objection” to a law approved by the legislative branch, while at the same time he has expressed concern that “the respect for to the legality” of judges and courts.

In any case, the lawyer has warned that “the entire legal framework that is needed has been generated so that he can return with guarantees and so that he can exercise his political life in the terms that he decides” and therefore “if the law is interprets correctly” will “without a doubt” be subject to an investiture debate.

Faced with the possibility that the Supreme Court will lift the precautionary measures that weigh on the cause of the process but activate an arrest warrant for the Tsunami cause, for terrorism, considering that this is excluded from the amnesty, Boye has recognized that “everything may be”, although he has pointed out that the Supreme Court “is not going to do one thing with the right hand and another with the left”.

In this sense, the lawyer has claimed the changes that were made to the amnesty law at the request of Junts, “not cosmetic”, for which the final wording of the law, in his opinion, includes the cause of Tsunami. “Not every charlotte is a crime of terrorism but only those crimes that fail to comply with European regulations and also generate serious violations of fundamental rights,” he indicated.

From minute 1 of the electoral call on Wednesday afternoon, the general secretary of Junts, Jordi Turull, already pointed to Puigdemont as a candidate for the presidency of the Generalitat and the former president himself gave rise to this possibility. Boye this Friday acknowledged that he knows what his client is going to do but did not want to confirm it, implying that a decision has already been made. In any case, the decision will be announced next week at a political event.

If Puigdemont finally chooses to be the Junts candidate for the Generalitat, the question remains to be resolved as to whether this will alter the initially planned plan of leading his party’s list for the elections to the European Parliament to remain a MEP, which would ensure his immunity. which it currently enjoys. Boye has not said anything about it, but Turull already warned yesterday that attending both calls would be “strange.”