The president of Junts per Catalunya, Laura Borràs, has assured that her defense will begin the procedures to benefit from the Amnesty Law after being approved by the Cortes and validated by the justice system. This is what she stated this morning in an interview for RTVE’s Café d’ Idees, after clarifying that “all the defenses of the processes of persecution of the independence movement” will begin that process in the time frame determined by the amnesty law.

“I have never sought personal solutions,” the Junts leader stressed, after reiterating that she has not “committed any crime with the citizens of Catalonia.” The former president of the Parliament was sentenced to four and a half years in prison and 13 years of disqualification for the splitting of contracts when Borràs directed the Institució de les Lletres Catalanes (ILC).

Borràs has always considered his case as lawfare, and has explained although this political concept is not included in the amnesty law proposal, it is recognized in the political agreement signed between Junts and the PSOE. “It is clear that lawfare is the dirty war that the State has used to go against the independence supporters.”

Likewise, the former president of the Parliament has criticized the judge who found her guilty of prevarication and falsifying documents and who at the same time recommended her partial pardon to prevent Borràs from going to prison; “If anyone had doubts that my case was a case of political persecution, the judicial branch passed the ball to the executive branch asking for a pardon.”

When asked about Oriol Junqueras’ statements, in which he assured that the case of the former president of the Parliament would not fall under the amnesty law because, according to the ERC leader, her case is a crime of corruption, Borràs regretted that “there are still those who point to the division of the independence movement” and that “these statements say more about the person issuing them than about the person to whom they are addressed.” Along the same lines, the leader of Junts has criticized that “every time (Junqueras) insists that I have committed a crime, he gives more information than he would like, and not what is reality.”

Borràs has also commented that he shares the “misgivings and reluctance” that the Junts militancy has conveyed to him in relation to what they understand as a shift in the strategy of the independence party, but he has stressed that the PSOE is the party that has seen forced to make the true turn; “Junts has not gone to Madrid to sign an agreement. “The PSOE has gone to Brussels to sign an agreement.” In the same sense, the former president of the Parliament has highlighted the pressure of her formation to achieve in the PSOE “the shift from thinking that the amnesty does not fit in the Constitution, to presenting a law saying that it is perfectly constitutional and that it is the best for Spain”, and has clarified: “It is what their people applauded.”