Borriana is in the news again. It has been this way since last March 28, when the PP had to agree with Vox to form the municipal government. Since that date, a series of episodes starring its Councilor for Culture and regional deputy member of Abascal’s party, Jesús Albiol, have turned this Valencian city into a paradigm of the policies that Vox wants to promote in public institutions to the discomfort of the popular ones. And this councilor, a prominent member of a group that continues trying to contaminate the political scene with its involutionist proposals.

The last episode has been that of not acquiring, against the criteria of the municipal technicians, the DVDs of the Barbie movies and 20,000 species of bees for the library of this town. “Not buying everything is not censorship,” Albiol assured yesterday. Decision that has forced the mayor, Jorge Monferrer, to stop the initiative and announce that he will call a meeting with Vox “so that situations like this do not happen again.” “Barbie and 20,000 species of bees will be in the municipal library,” he assured. 

Previously there have been more chapters of a series of decisions that have brought Borriana to the national news. Jesús Albiol, ultra-Catholic and father of eight children, annulled, shortly after the regional and municipal elections, the council’s subscription to the magazines Camacuc, Cavall Fort and El Temps, as well as Enderrock and Llengua Nacional. In a tweet, he assured that “the City Council will not continue promoting Catalan separatism with the money of the people of Burrian. We are not second-class Catalans, we are first-class Valencians and Spaniards.”

Albiol also requested that the municipal library remove books such as Kike and the Barbies or The Girl Who Had Two Dads from the children’s and youth section because they were, according to him, “pornographic,” a decision that generated discomfort in the municipal corporation. In his profile on the city council’s website he explains: “I decided to enter politics to defend the unity of the Nation, our culture and traditions, to defend the natural family, to defend life from conception to natural death and to confront the ideological roller that the totalitarian left imposes. Because I believe in individual freedom, private property and in achieving success through effort, ability and merit.”

Also, on March 16, he ordered the removal of a commemorative plaque for the victims of Franco’s repression in the municipality. The sign was located in a central square of the town, Plaza La Mercé, and displayed the total number of Burrian residents retaliated during the Franco dictatorship. The councilor claimed that it was a plaque placed by the previous municipal government formed by nationalists and socialists (Compromis and PSOE) that contained “some data that does not correspond to reality, because Compromís has dedicated itself to what it has dedicated itself to while it was governed. to make political use of history to gain political benefit from the victims of the Spanish civil war by distorting history.”

Jesús Albiol maintains an excellent relationship with Llanos Massó, president of the Valencian Courts and with the syndic of this formation, José María Llanos. Both are considered the hardest and most conservative wing of Santiago Abascal’s party. The parliamentary speaker has been the big hitter of the controversial concord law that is now being debated in the regional parliament.

As an autonomous deputy, in one of his interventions in committee to defend precisely his party’s NLP on municipal libraries, he explained that “the action of the Burriana City Council must be an example for all the municipalities in the region, as a precise and effective measure to “ensure the highest good of the minor.” 

And he defended his crusade against certain types of sexual diversity content “to guarantee both the freedom of parents who consider this content appropriate for their children and the freedom of parents who do not consider it appropriate and who have it recognized in article 27 of the Constitution”. For the deputy, the important thing is “the right of parents to choose the type of moral training they want for their children.”