Bernard leaves more than 1,500 incidents spread throughout Andalusia, with road closures, interrupted traffic on some trains, fallen trees, some landslides and flooding in some places. However, the worst of the storm has been the death of a man when he overturned his vehicle after a landslide in Trigueros, Huelva. In Córdoba, on Motril Street in the capital, an investigation has been opened after the appearance of the lifeless body of another man in the middle of a public street, although everything indicates that it could be the second person killed by this new storm.

On the other hand, several injuries have been recorded this Sunday, most of them as a result of falling trees, including a 17-year-old minor in Granada, three more people while walking through the gardens of the Alhambra and another man from Moguer ( Huelva).

Most of the notices to 112 Emergencies were related to the strong gusts of wind recorded, exceeding 190 km/h in Sierra Nevada, 140 in Chiclana or 107 km/h in Jerez de la Frontera; as well as the 103 km/h of Seville/San Pablo.

It was this last province where more than 500 incidents were recorded, especially after 7:00 p.m. Falling branches or trees, cables, street furniture, objects on the road and the cutting of some roads due to falling trees and flooding, with no evidence of personal injury, were the most repeated alerts. In the capital of Seville, a reinforcement of personnel was activated with agents who were on break to deal with the situation.

Cádiz, registered more than 400 warnings of this type and there were several roads that had to be closed to traffic, while Huelva, with 300 warnings, is the place from where Bernard has caused a death. A person lost his life when the vehicle in which he was traveling overturned after a landslide in Trigueros.

Also in the capital of Córdoba, where a body has been found in the middle of the road with signs of having suffered a violent death. It happened on Motril Street, where the National Police has already opened an investigation to clarify the causes of this man’s death, although everything indicates that he would be the second fatal victim of this new storm. Córdoba also reported 130 warnings due to falling branches or elements of street furniture invading roadways, as well as pools of water on roads and flooding of homes. In addition, several notices were issued due to the lack of electricity supply in several municipalities.

Also in Granada, several people were injured when a tree from the Alhambra gardens fell on them. The three affected people had to be taken to a hospital for treatment.

Málaga and Jaén have been the points that have experienced this storm with the most ‘tranquility’, although from the capital of Jaén a woman was injured in the leg after a tree fell on her.

Be that as it may, Bernard has generated a multitude of alerts and incidents in the community, causing significant material damage in numerous parts of the region and, unfortunately, causing two deaths.

The railway circulation of the Seville-Huelva line remains interrupted at 7:30 a.m. this Monday due to an incident on the La Palma del Condado-Huelva section caused by the strong wind and rain storm recorded during the afternoon of Sunday, which has led to Renfe to establish an alternative road service to guarantee service to travelers.

As reported by Renfe in a statement, this interruption of railway circulation on the La Palma del Condado-Huelva section affects the Media Distancia trains Seville-Huelva and Alvia Madrid-Huelva and an alternative road service between Huelva and La Palma del Condado. to guarantee service to travelers.

The wind storm also keeps railway circulation interrupted in the section between Utrera and Dos Hermanas, in the province of Seville, which affects the services of the Seville Cercanías line C1 and the Medium and Long Distance trains that link Cádiz with Seville, as well as the Seville-Osuna and Seville-Málaga Regional services.

Renfe recommends that affected travelers travel by alternative means because, “despite the work carried out by Adif technicians to recover the service, it is not possible to travel on this route due to the wind and rain storm that has hit the zone”.