The footballer Karim Benzema is not going through his best moment and this has been expressed by his lawyer, Hugues Vigier, who in a statement has criticized that for reasons of “poor politics” and electoralism they have put his client in a controversy that is affecting his children because they see that “their father is accused of being a terrorist,” and he denies the accusations that he is a fundamentalist Muslim.

In an interview this Friday with the France Info station, Vigier attacked what he described as “hateful blackmail” by the French Minister of the Interior, GĂ©rald Darmanin, who challenged the footballer to deny what he had stated about his proximity to the Muslim Brotherhood and about their “selective indignation.”

Darmanin invited the footballer to publish on his social networks a message condemning the jihadist attack on the 13th in Arra, in which a teacher was murdered in his high school, as a way of “showing his good faith.” Benzema had shown his solidarity with the Palestinians of the Gaza Strip, within the framework of Israel’s offensive.

The athlete’s lawyer replied that his client is not the one who has to show his good intentions, but rather the minister, who would have to “have the political courage” to admit that what he said about him is “false.”

For Vigier, furthermore, Darmanin’s words last Monday have been “devastating” and have a “dramatic” impact for Benzema. The minister pointed out the alleged closeness to the Muslim Brotherhood, a fundamentalist movement banned in some countries, but not in France.