The PP of Badalona has grinding , and finally will not increase the retribution of the diets to the councillors of government after you have removed this measure from the vote of the briefcase municipal, after the controversy is sparked between the groups of the opposition.

as has been finally approved, the remuneration of the diets of the councillors that are part of the executive shall be as maximum , as for the rest of elected officials, 22.537,20 euros annual gross , and not from 38.500 euros, as contained in the preacta full of binder, which has been held this morning.

So it has been decided finally after the executive, who leads Xavier García Albiol , decided to introduce an amendment to delete proposal of increase the allowances of councillors government , a measure that, according to they have explained to Efe sources popular, was intended to “compensate” two council members retired who have renounced part of their pension.

The remuneration of maximum allowances of councillors of government is in 22.537, and does not increase until the 38.500 as I wanted the PP

however, this proposal raised yesterday dispute between the formations of the consistory, who accused Albiol want to increase the salary in full-blown economic crisis by the pandemic coronavirus, an end that the mayor refused in resounding.

During the plenary today, which has been carried out telematically, Albiol has insisted that “it is not true” that I would like to increase your salary and he remembered that, as president of the popular group in the Provincial council of Barcelona, the law does not allow you to “increase, not a euro more” to pay.

“Legally, it is impossible” , has stressed prior to apostille: “I wouldn’t think, in the current context and situation, to raise an increase in salary. It is common sense”.

Controversy over diets,

I wouldn’t think, in the current context and situation, to raise an increase in salary”

Xavier Garcia Albiol, Mayor of Badalona

For its part, the PSC, which lost the mayor’s office this month after not prosper in the negotiations with Guanyem Badalona in a Commune and whose leader, Ruben Pebble, joined with Albiol in the social networks by account salaries, has celebrated the change of mind of the popular.

“Rectify is of wise men and I can only congratulate him”, said the Pebble to the mayor.

The disagreement of the rest of political forces has also served for the PP finally decided to remove from the folder the figure of deputy spokesperson, that is created for the first time and allowed the groups to have a third person, in addition to the president and the speaker, with exclusive dedication and a full salary.

“who would benefit the proposal was the government, not we brought absolutely nothing,” he asserted Albiol, who has finished removing this aspect despite that, he said, some members of the opposition saw it with good eyes in private conversations.