If she had dedicated herself to reggaeton, she might have been called Mamacita, but since hers is more dancehall, a traditional genre of Jamaican popular music, she chose the name Bad Gyal, the “bad girl” in Caribbean slang. Catalan, 26 years old, daughter of actor Eduard Farelo, Alba, her real name, is a benchmark in the urban music scene worldwide.

For those who don’t know it yet, they are about to discover it. Alba Farelo is the star of Estrella Damm’s summer ad, whose trailer can already be seen on television and on social networks. In addition, the song chosen for the spot is her work -The sun gives me- and she has all the numbers to become the song of the summer: “I am where I want to be; it’s time to celebrate; life is one and now; And it’s summer, too.” Rhythm and catchy lyrics, hallmark of the brand’s best spots. “It’s what I like the most, making a song and getting people hooked,” confesses Bad Gyal.

Regarding the short film, which can be seen from the 7th and which has been shot under the orders of the creative Oriol Villar, responsible for the Mediterráneamente concept, he assures: “When they proposed it to me, I was very excited. Trying acting and contributing my music to advertising that is already iconic has been a great pleasure; The result has been better than I expected”.

When she read the script, she says she really identified with it. In the ad, titled PKM in honor of her iconic motto Pussy ke mana –the pussy that rules-, she is on tour in Japan, raining, alone in a hotel, while her friends, including YouTuber xBuyer, are enjoying themselves. the sea, the party, the good weather, and a good table with food and, of course, beer. As seen in the spot, Alba Farelo is clear about where her house is: in Barcelona; and what are her people: “the one who loves me for who I am”.

He assures that he is happy with little. “At home, with my family, having a conversation with a friend, watching a movie with my boyfriend. That’s what makes me happy. I have learned that happiness comes from oneself, from how you want to face things and that you want to look for what is positive around you”

A busy summer awaits you. After being the headliner at the Sonar Festival in Barcelona on Saturday the 17th, concerts await him in the Canary Islands, Almeria, Switzerland, Jaen, Pontevedra, Asturias, Murcia, Malaga… Any summer plans? “I’ll spend it on stage, filming video clips, doing photo shoots, traveling… I’ll rest in December and go to the Caribbean.” The worst thing about touring is fatigue and that “I always come back with injuries since I sing in heels; I throw myself a week of recovery that I can’t even go to the gym. What if rubber bands, balls, Pilates… there is a very hard physical part”.

While Bad Gyal, the star, shines on stage, behind is Alba, the eldest of five children: Paula, Bruno and the twins Greta and Irma, who follows in the footsteps of her sister and has adopted the stage name of Mushkaa to make a gap in the panorama of urban music in Catalan. “It is being confirmed that there is artistic DNA in the Farelos. I am lucky to have parents who are open-minded in all aspects. I have listened to Beyonce, El cigala, Aretha Franklin with my father… Now he plays songs by the Cuban cast, which is music that practically no one my age knows”.

Her way of dressing and moving her ass on stage have often made her the center of criticism for hypersexualizing her body. She is clear about it: “I’m not doing it to turn anyone on, I’m not selling porn. I make art and I express myself like that. I understand that there may be people who don’t like it, so choose something else. If you don’t like Bad Gyal, then from here a kiss and a lot of peace”.

The queen of urban music is very clear about the limits of her privacy. “There are many facets of Alba that Bad Gyal is not going to show. I am a quite private aunt, I limit myself to showing my art and my work; You will not see me crying on social networks because I had a bad day ”, she maintains.

No one has given him anything. As a young man, he had a goal and he went after it. At the age of 19, he studied Design in the morning, worked in the afternoon in a bakery, and took time to record his music. “When I started I had to gain strength and security, trusting myself, when I had nothing. I have a talent for music, I’m good. I feel that it is what I have come to do in the world ”.

That power and strength is what she transmits on stage and what has led her to become a benchmark for many adolescents. “I believe that what they see in me is security, that I have things clear, that I transmit a positive message, of hard work, of believing in yourself, of fighting for what you want, and of not letting anyone trample you.”