Some 40,000 people according to the police, more than 60,000 according to the PP, gathered this Sunday in Madrid to protest against the amnesty, in what the popular people consider a record in the organization of an event, which until now was held by José María Aznar in the state of Mestalla, in 1996. More than 60,000 people who cried out against the amnesty, but above all they chanted a slogan “Puigdemont to prison.”

An event in which all the regional presidents of the PP gathered, whether they govern or not, and the former presidents of the PP who have governed, José María Aznar and Mariano Rajoy. Everyone supported Alberto Núñez Feijóo at the same time, who on Tuesday will undergo an investiture that appears to have failed, but that everyone considers well spent as long as he does not give in, as Sánchez is supposed to be willing to do. Feijóo himself was clear, because “I will defend the equality of Spaniards even if it costs me the presidency of the Government.” He insisted. “At the cost of what it costs me, even if it costs me the presidency of the government, I will defend that Spain is a group of free and equal citizens. We will defend it no matter what it costs us.”

For Aznar, the amnesty that Puigdemont is seeking and that Pedro Sánchez would be negotiating, is “an unprecedented attack on the rule of law, because it does not come only from the enemies of the Constitution but from a party that has the obligation to defend it and does not do so.” “.

For Mariano Rajoy, the amnesty is “an amendment to the entirety” of the Constitution and the rule of law, and that is why the Spanish cannot sit idly by, but rather have to oppose the socialist discourse that wants to sell the concession of the amnesty, as they did with the pardons, as something that serves for coexistence.

Mariano Rajoy was President of the Government when the process took place, when the illegal 1-O referendum and the declaration of independence were called and held in Parliament. And as former president, he rejects Pedro Sánchez’s statement that it helps coexistence and emphasizes: “The only thing that helped coexistence was the application of article 155 of the Constitution.”

So neither amnesty for coexistence “is a fraud,” they cried in the PP, since at no time was it announced to the Spaniards, by the PSOE, that they would do it, but quite the opposite, and a fraud, Rajoy said, because “what no Spaniard voted for was a change in the constitutional regime.” But the PP also shouts against the historical debt that the secessionists claim. “The only historical debt is that of the secessionists with Spanish democracy, which they have not paid and have to pay,” Aznar stressed.

Against amnesty and defense of equality. messages that will also be present in the speech that the president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, will give on Tuesday in Congress, as a candidate for the presidency of the Government. Defense of equality “no matter what it costs me,” he said, because “I will pass, Pedro Sánchez will pass, the politicians will pass, but freedom, equality and the dignity of the nation will not.”

Feijóo, who publicly thanked next week for the support he will have from Vox, UPN and the Canary Coalition, which was received with loud applause from those in attendance, stressed that, contrary to what Sánchez says, the concessions to the independentistas ” nor are they progressive, nor are they socialists, nor are they the majority”, because, he said, “it is not progressivism when we Spaniards have to claim what we have enjoyed for more than forty years, that is regression”; It is not a majority, because on July 23, “94% of us voted to keep the constitution in force”, and it is not socialism “when they claim privileges for an elite of politicians to the detriment of everyone, that is political elitism.

Feijóo asked Sánchez not to continue saying that as happened with the pardons, the amnesty will be to help coexistence. “don’t call us Spaniards stupid, because we’re not stupid, we don’t put up with that” and the granting of amnesty, as in his case the self-determination referendum “only has one name, indignity”, of which “the current PSOE are accomplices.” and there is only one person responsible, “the one who is in the Palace of La Moncloa after having lost the elections.

Feijóo had words for the former socialist leaders who have raised their voices against Pedro Sánchez’s intentions, “They do nothing but defend what he has always defended.” What’s more, he said, “they are defending what their party defended until just two months ago.” Therefore, it encourages them. “They may be expelled, they may be designated by a PSOE that is no longer a state, but they will be designated by the majority of Spaniards as state men and women.”