The former president of the Government José María Aznar assured this Monday, when asked about the Concord laws promoted by several autonomies where PP and Vox govern, including Castilla y León, that “everything that sounds like concord” “sounds good” to him. On the contrary, he criticizes the Spanish left that “every 15 days has to go dig up Franco’s remains.”

Aznar, who gave a conference during the “Memory and Legacy of the Transition” conference organized by the CEU Cardenal Herrera University of València, stressed that “rewriting history is the most absurd thing that can be done” and has highlighted that What should be done is “interpret it correctly and not manipulate it.”

Thus, he has acknowledged that the issue of democratic memory “tires him a little” and has recalled that on November 21, 2002 the PP promoted a motion by which “the military uprising of 1936 was condemned, reparations were made to the victims of the Francoism and aid was promoted to recover missing people.”

“My government approved regulations on reparation for victims without distinction,” explained the former president, who has criticized that there is “a part of the left that suffers from a very great intellectual poverty and every fifteen days has to dig through Franco’s remains because if No, they cannot live.”

He has also asked if there is any leader of the left who has “condemned the socialist coup on the Second Republic in 1934” and has claimed that the PP has “demonstrated in the session diary, not in a hoax”, what it has done.

“If you talk about memory, I have it in excellent shape and the Transition was made exactly to look to the future, that is what we must achieve again,” said Aznar, who concluded that during his eight years in government he maintained “the spirit of the Transition.”

This Monday he accused the head of the Spanish Executive, Pedro Sánchez, of being “a fake” and lamented the “declining influence” of Spanish politics in recent years, especially after the “international embarrassment” of his “reflection” on whether he would resign or No. “I did not resign one day from being President of the Government,” claimed Aznar, who criticized that Sánchez’s five days of reflection “have been a great farce” that “can only be organized by a fraud.” “It’s hard for me to say it, but it’s the truth. You have to be a great fraud to lie the way he has done,” he emphasized.

For this reason, the former leader of the PP has highlighted that Sánchez “has crossed a line” and whoever does so “becomes a kind of populist leader, further from a head of government and closer to a populist autocrat.”

Likewise, he has stressed that this “full point” announced by the socialist is “above all a point and aside regarding the freedom of the judges, the media, the opposition and anyone who does not agree” with him.

For Aznar this is “the most delicate moment (in Spain) since the Transition” precisely at a time when “political influence is declining, diminished”, after decades in which this country was “an example of transition for the Ibero-American republics.” , had projection in the Middle East and North Africa or trust with the United States, but today that is no longer there.”

“It is one of the things that hurts me the most as a former president, especially someone who has placed a lot of importance on international projection,” he commented.