Isabel Díaz Ayuso has insisted, during the round of contacts for the investiture of Pedro Sánchez, asking whether all resources have been used to illegalize EH Bildu and, therefore, “prevent it from deciding the future of Spain”.

The president of the Community of Madrid, who in recent weeks had charged against ERC and Junts for the “felony of the amnesty”, has taken advantage of the inauguration of the new judicial headquarters of the regional government in Valdemoro to revive a debate that she herself opened in the 28-M campaign by requesting the illegalization of EH Bildu, which its leader, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, did not support at the time.

All this on the same day that the national president of the PP visits Euskadi to, taking advantage of the anniversary of the Statute of Gernika, try to explain the “autonomist model” of the conservative party and which, he defends, takes into account its “territorial sensitivity.”

Ayuso, however, has conditioned Feijóo’s agenda with his words by regretting that “we have not asked ourselves if all the resources of the State have been used to do things according to the law and protect themselves” and insisting, in reference, on the past of the leader of EH Bildu, Arnaldo Otegi, as a former member of a terrorist gang that “has committed the most serious crimes against life and freedom.”

The president of the Community questions whether we should not “urge once again to use all resources and ask the Supreme Court” about the legality of the aforementioned Basque political formation. “We as a nation cannot allow those who have established a corrupt regime, vitiating the census in the Basque Country with fear, extortion and murders to decide for the nation and the future of Spain.”

In this way, Ayuso recovers its initiative in the midst of the investiture process of Pedro Sánchez, which, by the way, predicts that it will end successfully. The Madrid native rules out any possibility of an electoral repetition because the parties that, in her opinion, work against Spain, “have not seen themselves in another similar one.” “Although they have already agreed on it,” he continued, the slowdown is due to the fact that “everything is being negotiated. Including the small print such as the port of Valencia or the taxes on Madrid residents.”

“Those people who today see themselves as winners, since they have their seat and are going to try to govern the Basque Country, seem to be happy. I only wonder if we have done everything right as a State, if we have asked the Justice Department if we have done things correctly and we can allow ourselves that this political organization with the history, present and past that it has behind it can influence everyone’s politics,” Ayuso concluded.