The Governing Council of the Community of Madrid has approved to modify the rules for granting dining scholarships for this 2023/24 academic year and that all families who have requested direct aid this year, more than 107,000 within the admission period of applications, are beneficiaries throughout the school period.

This decision, communicated by the Minister of Education, Science and Universities, Emilio Viciana, at a press conference, comes after the incidents arising from the change in the scholarship processing system that has caused many applications to present formal defects, even after to extend the correction period and enable aid mechanisms.

Associations and unions harshly criticized the regional government for the situations that many families experienced as a result of “the improvisation, ineptitude and abandonment” of the Community. “The regulations were poorly drafted and the subsequent patches have not solved the serious loopholes created,” Giner de los Ríos pointed out from Fapa, while CC.OO accused the Executive of taking “slips” with its decisions.

Viciana explained that when the Community of Madrid detected “a certain delay in the processing of the scholarships, as well as incidents, it immediately took the side of the families” and from the beginning announced that “the costs of the dining scholarship were covered of all those families” that had requested it and that were pending resolution. “Throughout this time, some defects have been detected that were repetitive in nature and that have motivated us to adopt this agreement,” he said. noted below.

Thus, the Government chaired by Isabel Díaz Ayuso has decided that the more than 107,000 requests that were registered within the admission period, which ended on July 7, will receive the amounts of the requested modality this year, with retroactive effect to the beginning of the year. course “to prevent formal incidents from causing harm to any family that needs their children to use this service.”

“What we do is guarantee that an issue as delicate as the feeding of minors can be guaranteed and of course we take the side of the families and help them so that they can enjoy this scholarship as normal,” the owner stressed. of Education.

In addition, they have announced that they are already working on a more simplified and simple system for families for the next academic year 2024/25.