This Monday, Isabel Díaz Ayuso disavowed the popular mayor of Alpedrete for agreeing, together with Vox, to withdraw the names of Paco Rabal and Asunción Balaguer from the municipality. After pressure from neighbors, society and the world of theater and cinema, the president of the Community has chosen to reverse the situation – even if this implies an explicit reprimand to one of her councilors – before the wave of unrest goes to further.

“From the Community of Madrid and the PP of Madrid we are totally against the decision,” Ayuso wrote on the social network error size”. “No censorship, no erasure, no ideological sectarianism. Culture has to be free and plural,” wrote the Madrid president.

Last Thursday, the Más Madrid and PSOE groups in the Madrid Assembly elevated to a regional matter the decision adopted on April 26 in the Alpedrete City Council, where PP and Vox govern, to remove the plaques honoring Asunción Balaguer and Paco Rabal of the House of Culture and the square to which they gave their name, respectively.

Furthermore, on April 26, dozens of residents of Alpedrete gathered in the center of the town to express their indignation at the decision of the municipal government and demand that the change of names of the Paco Rabal square and the Asunción cultural house be reversed. Balaguer.

Paco Rabal was born in Águilas (Murcia) and Asunción Balaguer in Manresa (Barcelona), but the couple settled in Alpedrete in the early 1980s in the company of their children, where they lived until their deaths in 2001 and 2019, respectively. .