The president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, has criticized the words of the Minister of Transport and Urban Mobility, Óscar Puente, in which he described Bildu as a “democratic progressive party”, to affirm that “the next thing is the Nobel Prize in Peace” for the ‘abertzale’ training.

Moments before participating in the youth congress of the Lo Que De Verdad Importa Foundation (LQDVI), Díaz Ayuso referred to the media about the agreement between PSOE and Bildu for the latter to assume the Mayor’s Office of Pamplona after a motion of censure against the current mayor, Cristina Ibarrola, of the Navarro People’s Union (UPN), on which Minister Puente spoke.

“Right now we are in such a regrettable reversal of values ??in Spain that this is the minimum we have to expect from a government that lies by system. But above all it is regrettable to see how they have kidnapped Navarra, this regional community that was never neither leftist nor much less nationalist or independentist,” said the Madrid president.

Díaz Ayuso has stressed that “for years” Bildu “has been using the power of the Administration in different ways to impose its route” which, in his opinion, “will end up being the annexation of Navarra to the Basque Country” to “continue with that project for the breakup of Spain”.

What the head of the regional Executive regrets most is that the formation led by Arnaldo Otegi “would be nothing and no one if it were not for the fact that the PSOE gives them everything in exchange for nothing to be there in power.”

“Those who are political arms of ETA who have presented lists with people convicted of very important crimes, crimes against one’s own life, are going to direct the future of this region (Navarra). And of course it is going to be very difficult and very hard for many families, numerous people who have not chosen this at any time,” Díaz Ayuso said.

“They are kidnapping Navarra for the interests of a few and what I regret is that this has the signature of the Government behind it,” concluded the Madrid leader.