A reasonable time after the covid-19 pandemic, professionals in the audiovisual sector, both conventional and streaming platforms, agree that the industry will never return to the logic, strategies and procedures prior to the outbreak of the coronavirus crisis.

The labor force in this activity tends to disperse and disperse, a trend opposed to the previous movement towards concentration, not only business, but also physical, to take advantage of the economy of scale, that is, the ability to create and distribute a greater amount of material with a lower production cost.

Another differential element is being the personalized viewing experience, a rethinking of the commercial logic of the recent past. According to this vision, the business is not based on the block satisfaction of an audience as broad as it is abstract, but on meeting the individual needs of millions of specific customers.

And all this supported by one of the essential technologies in the fourth and fifth industrial revolutions: the cloud. For analysts, 2023 is being the year of cloud computing. Without the flexibility and operational savings offered by this system, many of the models that make up today’s audiovisual model would not be possible.

If the cloud and its multiple storage potentialities did not exist, these companies would not be able to prepare content for the future so far in advance. In addition, cloud computing makes it easier to work with the large volumes of data (big data) that feed the decisions of the executives of these corporations and conglomerates.

Experts remember that until very recently the reference units were tapes, first, and servers, later. None made it possible to accumulate information about screen consumption and understand the viewing habits of a more heterogeneous audience than at any other time in history.

The data obtained in this way have led to well-oriented recommendations that have ushered in a new era in the consumption of movies, documentaries, series, and other television programs. In turn, these details are serving to determine where the production is oriented in each territory: by genre, style, plots, actors… with more success.

Along the same lines, even audiovisual journalism is benefiting from the cloud. Thanks to the fluidity provided by cloud computing in the exchange of information, the media can adapt the pieces about the main issues of the present to the preferences of each collective or group of the population.

The transition to the cloud has made remote tasks more efficient and cheaper, at least from the point of view of managers. What was learned by force in the days of confinement has turned out to be the basis of today’s production. The precariousness of numerous profiles assures this methodology a long life.