The former president of the Generalitat Artur Mas considered this Saturday in Switzerland that the State will not agree to a referendum on the independence of Catalonia either in the “short or medium term.”

He said it in a round table in the act ‘Celebrem! Future perspectives’ of the Catalan Center in Lausanne (Switzerland) together with the general secretary of ERC, Marta Rovira, and the ex-deputy of the CUP in the Parliament David Fernàndez.

Even so, Mas has assured that the best conditions exist to try to negotiate a referendum, that “the pro-independence world has the upper hand” and that it will be difficult for this situation to be repeated again.

In that sense, Rovira has pointed out that sooner or later a response will have to be given to Catalonia’s right to self-determination and has indicated that the independence movement has “no other possible project” other than a referendum.

Fernàndez has shown his distrust of the State to materialize a hypothetical referendum and has said that the Government will not accept “none” of the five proposals in the report on the clarity agreement.

Rovira, who has resided in Geneva (Switzerland) since 2018, has warned that “the political conflict cannot be resolved with an amnesty law” and has stated that with this law, in his opinion, some political rights that should not have been recovered would be recovered. lost.

Artur Mas has accused the PSOE of moving “out of necessity, and not out of conviction” in the negotiations for the investiture of the acting President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez.

“The PSOE thinks that by giving the amnesty it already complies,” but the former president has assured that this is not enough.

Rovira has opted to unite the forces of the independence movement because “negotiating separately is crazy, it does not make any sense” and has appealed to the independence movement to take advantage of the situation.

“We have only advanced when we have gone together,” said Fernàndez about the need to define a joint dialogue between the Catalan independence movement and the State.

Mas has considered that in the Catalan independence movement “there is too much partisanship and too much personalism” and has reaffirmed Rovira’s opinion about collectivizing the nationalist project of Catalonia.