Alerted by the screams of a girl, the residents of an Elx building notified the Police. It was 6 in the morning on August 5. When the agents arrived, they observed a little girl on a balcony shouting “please help, I’m alone, I’m scared and my mother is not at home”. Several members of the National Police and the Elx Local Police went up to the third plant to attend to her, but the door of the home was locked from the outside, so the minor could not open it.

After numerous efforts, they were first able to locate the current partner of the minor’s mother, who appeared at the home and opened the door with her own keys. Later, the girl’s mother returned home, offering incoherent arguments and contradicting her partner’s statements, until, finally, both adults admitted having left the minor sleeping in her bed to go out to celebrate their anniversary, leaving the four-year-old girl, locked up at home, alone and helpless.

Some neighbors told the agents that this practice of leaving the girl alone was common and that it was not the first time that the little girl had asked for help from the balcony.

For all the above, both police units proceeded to arrest the mother of the minor, 34 years old, for an alleged crime of temporary abandonment of a minor.

Regarding the girl, in an obvious situation of lack of protection and, since neither the mother nor any other person in her family sphere offered guarantees regarding the shelter and protection of the minor, she was transferred to the Reception and Reception Center for Minors in Alicante, dependent on the Ministry of Social Welfare, where the file for adoption of the appropriate measures for the benefit of the minor will begin.