A 21-year-old resident of Sant Feliu de Guíxols (Girona) has been arrested after several witnesses saw him throw a dog from the fourth floor, a puppy that is recovering in a foster home from a hip and knee fracture.

As reported this Thursday by the Mossos d’Esquadra, the events took place on Tuesday, March 24, when, around 5:00 p.m., a patrol was called after a woman had found the animal, which had rushed from a house.

That person took the puppy to a veterinary clinic for examination and treatment of injuries, while the agents consulted different witnesses who had seen how someone threw the dog, which had cried and barked all morning while it remained locked on the balcony.

The patrol went to the indicated address, but no one opened the door, although, after several efforts, the owner of the animal was located on April 4, who was arrested accused of domestic animal abuse.

The arrested man, who has a record, was placed at the disposition of the Sant Feliu de Guíxols investigative court on duty the following day, which ordered his release pending trial.