“Catalonia holds the key to the governability of the State and for this reason today we must take advantage of this force to make possible everything that until now was not possible. “The amnesty as a guarantee that no one else will go to prison and that the exiles will return free.”

The president of the Generalitat, Pere Aragonès, expressed himself in these terms tonight in the course of his institutional statement prior to the celebration of the Diada, convinced that the fact that the Catalan independence forces are decisive for the investiture of the future president of the The Government of Spain favors the achievement of the objectives that Junts Y ERC have set themselves.

Aragonès asks to begin “immediately a new phase of the negotiation focused solely and exclusively on the substance of the conflict” between the government of Spain and the government of Catalonia in which they must agree on “how we respond to the majority will of the citizens.” of Catalonia to decide by voting what the political future of the country should be.” In this sense, Aragonès added that the amnesty is “the first step”, but not the only one that both governments must take.

The president in his address also referred to the Catalan language -this year, the Government has decided to emphasize this issue in this Diada- and has also had a few words of remembrance for the victims of the earthquake in Morocco.

On the other hand, Junts per Catalunya has published another manifesto in which Junts has affirmed that it has not renounced and will not renounce “unilateralism as a legitimate resource to assert their rights”, as defended by the former president of the Generalitat Carles Puigdemont in the conference this Tuesday in Brussels, and that maintains the legitimacy of 1-O.

The party has regretted the attacks on the Catalan language and, specifically, on the school: “They are an irrefutable example of the will to national dismantlement that we suffer from the different actors of the Spanish state.” He has urgently asked to defend and protect the language and has assured that “achieving its official status in the European Union is a very relevant step to move forward in this regard.”

The first secretary of the PSC, Salvador Illa, has called for coexistence between “all Catalans, then with the rest of the people of Spain and also with the rest of the people of Europe”, in a message on the occasion of the Diada of September 11.

In a video this Sunday distributed on social networks from Vielha (Lleida), the socialist leader wanted to highlight the plurality of Catalonia: “Underline what unites us, not what separates us, what we have in common, what makes us proud to be Catalans”.

Illa has also celebrated the hard-working nature of the Catalans and has said that “Catalonia does not stop, Catalonia moves, it is underway.”

He has literally urged us to look to the future and recalled that Catalonia “has to first be self-demanding with itself and then be so with others.”

Also, its electoral partner, Units per Avançar, has made a statement in which it states that in the current political framework it is necessary for ideologically distant political forces to agree and in this sense it has added that “open dialogue should have no more limits.” than those established in the constitutional framework that, without a doubt, allows open interpretations of the 1978 text”