They would have discovered that the employee of their bakery is homosexual and a real ordeal began for him. The man, who has already reported the facts and has put the case in the hands of the legal advice of the CGT union of Malaga, received his last April payroll after the deadline and under the concept ‘faggot’, a fact that he has not been able to leave behind. overlook and has decided to take action.

It was the same union that announced the news through its social networks, where it announced that it was going to organize rallies at the doors of this business, Panadería Semilla de Oro SL, located in the province of Málaga, while its department takes responsibility for the “shameful situation and humiliation” that the worker has suffered.

“This homophobic business action will not go unpunished, and the corresponding judicial proceedings are underway for violation of the fundamental rights of the colleague,” reads a statement issued by the organization consulted by La Vanguardia. For their part, those responsible for the company have not answered the calls from this newspaper to make their version of the events known.

In the public complaint made by CGT Andalucía, it is reported that the employee, once the employers learned of his sexual orientation, “they changed his shifts and schedules, making his life impossible and causing him to go on medical leave as a result of this discrimination based on sex, violating the article 14 of the Constitution, as reported by the affected colleague before the company’s accident insurance company, Ibermutua.” The worker, 34 years old, suffers from anxiety as stated in the medical report.

The turning point for the man, who turned to the union to denounce this behavior, was the crediting of the payments owed under the concept of ‘faggot April payroll’ into his account. On the other hand, the deposits were made outside the legal deadline, becoming effective on May 22 when they should have been ordered during the first five days of the month.

At the moment, CGT is responsible for the Government Subdelegation authorizing the first concentration at the doors of the bakery in order to point out “the attitudes of homophobia and persecution” suffered by the employee and that “cannot be tolerated in a state of law”, as explained by the secretary of the organization, Miguel Montenegro.

The reactions to this new case of homophobia have not been long in coming. In fact, even the second vice president of the Government and Minister of Labor and Social Economy, Yolanda Díaz, has echoed the news, ensuring that the Labor Inspection is acting and investigating the event. “There are still many cases as shameful as this in the workplace,” she comments through her X social network account, “we are not going to stop until we guarantee equality for LGTBI people at work.”