The Mallorcan group Antònia Font continues to extend the dates of its return to the stage after its eight-year hiatus. This Monday they have announced their final tour of the new album Un minut estroboscòpica in the next edition of the Temporada Alta festival.

The pop band, with lyrics full of science fiction that have earned the most loyalty from their fans, returned to perform in concert at Primavera Sound in Barcelona last summer after an eight-year hiatus. With their batteries recharged, they presented their new songs, in addition to reviewing their previous repertoire. The success of the concert was repeated in Inca and Valencia and on October 16 they filled the Palau Sant Jordi in Barcelona.

Now there are only two dates left, at the moment, to finish enjoying the fantasy of the Mallorcan band. Antònia Font will perform at the Cruïlla festival next July 8 and this Monday they have added the end of the Temporada Alta 2023 tour to the agenda. Tickets are now available on the official websites of both festivals.