No, they have not gone to Paris, as they sing in the song Oh la la, one of the hits from their latest album, Un minut estroboscòpica, which could be heard and sung yesterday at the Fira de Girona venue. What Antònia Font did last night was go to the capital of Onyar to close the reunion tour with her audience, which began a year ago at the Palau Sant Jordi and has been a path of happiness for her countless followers in all the great performances that they have given them, between new songs and the great classics of this intergenerational group.

In 2013 they retired, as they had announced in the avalanche of words that is Me sobren paraules (“From here to two years I retired”), and that yesterday was the second one that was played, after the one that gives its name to the last album . But luckily for pop music, nine years later they returned, with more material and wanting to share the joy of the songs sung by Pau Debon and composed by Joan Miquel Oliver

But it is clear that they have taken a liking to them because, although yesterday in Girona was the last of their big concerts this year on their comeback tour, on Thursday they announced that in 2024 they would offer a more intimate tour, with performances in halls and theaters: “Dear ones, the return trip has been short and after these large-format concerts we have been left wanting to continue. Now, however, in a more intimate, small and close way,” they said in a message on the networks.

In any case, yesterday they did it again, inaugurating the High Season, filling the fairgrounds to the brim and making the respectable audience go crazy with all their great songs and, with two false endings, giving away encores and more encores, in two sets of eight or four songs.

As they have many, someone is always missed, but you could say that all the great hits were played. The Franciscan tribute of Vos estim a tots Igual, Balearic Islands, Alegria, Clint Eastwood… There was also the moment in which the band goes into a trance with Astronauta rhymer, the overflowing explosion of Wa yeah, and, of course, Calgary 88 , who announced the end of the concert, just before saying goodbye with Viure sense tu: “Dolça besada, te gust de que s’acaba.”

As opening act, the Mallorcans had the groundbreaking proposal of Smoking Bambino, alter ego of Esteve Saguer from Girona, who, after three albums in English, has just released his first work in Catalan, Llampigots i bufarandes, which also played at the Fira venue from Girona.

Magical evening, because, while Antònia Font’s Un minuto stroboscopic tour was closing, the fall festival of Girona was opening at the same time, which pays special attention to the theater, without neglecting the other performing arts and, also , the music, which in this edition programs concerts by Vitalic Live, Sophie Auster, Els Amics de les Arts, Molforts-Ingrid Caven-Albert Serra, GIO Symphonia with Elena Tarrats, Rosario, Albert Pla, _juno (Zahara and Martí Perarnau IV) and Alfonso de Vilallonga’s cabaret. Pau Vallvé will give the final concert of his tour in Temporada Alta, and Joan Dausà will also celebrate the ten years of Jo mai mai.

Buy your High Season tickets with a 15% discount on Vanguard Tickets

Catalan version, here