The retreat on Rates of Angela Merkel, the policy on Tuesday, the dominant theme of the commentators. The possible Successors or successor in view, especially, Friedrich Merz, and Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer. Here is an Overview:

The “Heilbronner Stimme”, criticized the long the decision:

hesitation, “It is the Chancellor not a good testimony that she has chosen such a withdrawal and, allegedly, already in the summer break. In the choice of fights you went with a different perception – and the Union parties were punished. … That you can keep the control of the country for three years in the hands of, is hardly conceivable.“

The “Nürnberger Zeitung” looks at Merz as the hope of the Conservative:

“Merz would be all those in the Union, the hope, the wish, finally, to see the conservative Element strengthened, and the are not a few. … But he is no longer since 2009 in active politics. If he dares a new start-up, it is exciting. Especially when you consider the time to Merkel.“

The “Sächsische Zeitung” looks at the state elections in the coming year in the East:

“After 18 years, Angela Merkel, leads the amount of change of power at the top of the Union – before others do it. Especially glad and relieved your party are likely to be friends in Saxony, Thuringia and Brandenburg. The decision of the East German CDU-choice of fighters in the next year be a huge help. … With the election of Friedrich Merz or Jens Spahn would change the CDU to be felt.“

The “Leipziger Volkszeitung,” has a special credibility with Merkel:

“Merkel was wise not to speak accidental recommendation for your successor, even if everyone suspects that she holds her faithful servant Annegret Kramp-karrenbauer, for the appropriate candidate. … You will then sit neither as a simple Deputy in the Bundestag even more political Offices’ aspire to. So, she has made it clear that she has in the Causa Merkel successor to any of its own shares. This gives for the design of the upcoming process, a special credibility.“

writes The “time” that Merkel must roar for years, “way”, not necessarily have the right:

“Merkel said, to think everything through to the end, has proved the size, finally, its own end. She is modest enough to hold themselves in-place. … More: Merkel has realized that with her at the top of the descent of the Union to a 20+x-party unstoppable and irreversible. A certainly painful insight – which, in turn, means that all of those are right, the roar for years: ‘Merkel.'”

The “Central German newspaper” sees the Chancellor, in spite of all a historical figure:

“If something comes in between, finished with Merkel, their term of office as a historical figure: Not only as the first woman in the Chancellery, not only as eternity Chancellor, but also as the first and only German head of government, a self-determined way out of the office, not through the ballot or a scandal.”

The “Straubinger Tagblatt/Landshuter Zeitung” is now waiting for further decisions of Merkel:

“With your withdrawal notice Merkel has ensured at least for a huge Surprise. But you should be careful. Their Power is now waning after their self-imposed Ausstiegsweg, faster than it can be with her love. If you really want to decide to operate on their fate … that it should meet at least soon further decisions. Maybe Merkel will be able to surprise you again soon.“

The “country newspaper” (Lüneburg, Germany) asks whether the withdrawal Rates rises, probably:

“Merkel has long been regarded as equally untouchable as irreplaceable for the CDU. However, with your pan in the refugee policy in 2015 slipped from her control over the party. The retreat of the party leadership was inevitable. Whether Merkel’s rising Plan, a regulated withdrawal Rates, depends on the party, which was for so long. Jens Spahn, Friedrich Merz, and Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer.“