Ana Obregón's heartbreaking message to her parents: "I didn't cry for you as much as you deserved"

Since little Anita came into her life, Ana García Obregón has not been able to hide her smile. The actress and presenter is euphoric and exultant with happiness with the little girl, the biological daughter of the late Aless Lequio and her granddaughter, and she takes advantage of the slightest opportunity to demonstrate it after years of absolute darkness.

Some years that were undoubtedly marked by the death of his son Aless, but also by the death of his parents, Antonio García and Ana Obregón, just one year apart. Her presenter dedicated her latest Instagram post to them, writing an emotional letter in which she thanks them for everything they did for her and asks for forgiveness for not having cried to them what they deserved from her.

The actress begins by saying that that night she had dreamed about them in her youth, and to show it graphically to her followers, she includes an image of the three along with her emotional letter. “If you only knew how grateful I am for all the love you gave me, love that I tried to reciprocate my entire life,” she begins.

“You were my north and my roots. You adored your grandson Aless, whom I know you care for with love wherever you are. I did not mourn you as much as you deserved, forgive me, but in two years I will be orphaned of parents and child,” she apologizes. .

However, he promises to make up for all the love he is giving to his little Anita: “I will tell Anita every day how wonderful her great-grandparents were, I promise,” he says, before asking them not to go “too far away” because needs them “very close.”

“I feel you every second in my heart,” he says, dedicating his favorite Frank Sinatra song to them.

The presenter also takes the opportunity to send wise advice to her followers: “To the privileged ones who still have your parents, there are sacred calls that you always have to answer: those from Dad and Mom. You don’t know how much you miss each other…”, she says.

The presenter’s publication has become viral on the social network, with thousands of users who have applauded her words and the reminder of that unconditional love for parents. “We believe that they will always be eternal and time passes very quickly,” says one of her followers. “I would give everything to go back, to hear his voice and feel his hugs… The fortune of a human being is the family,” adds another.

Ana María Obregón died at the age of 95 in her home in Madrid, in May 2021. The artist’s mother had gone through a delicate health downturn, after having suffered a stroke a few years earlier that caused her recovery to be slower than what his family would have liked. The woman, furthermore, could not process the death of her grandson Aless, already immersed in the world of her memories.

His father, Antonio García, died just a year later. In September 2022, the businessman left Ana Obregón orphaned, after some time suffering from delicate health. It was the actress who revealed her great loss through her social networks: “Dear dad. Last night you left us. It was like a roar that crossed the sky to reunite you with mom, the love of your life and with my son, your favorite grandson.” “.

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