The young filmmaker Guillermo García received the Princess of Girona award for Arts and Letters two years ago for his social documentaries. This Wednesday, along with other participants in the foundation’s activities, he took part in the meeting, chaired by the King and Queen, held by the board of the Princess of Girona Foundation (FPdGI) in which the activity report was presented. this year and the action plan for 2024, in which the granting of the new Princess of Girona scholarships has been announced.

Felipe and Letizia have chaired a meeting of the foundation’s board of trustees that was held at the Royal Palace of Madrid and in which this year’s activity report and the action plan for 2024 were presented.

Guillermo Sánchez has explained his latest work, the fiction film, City without a Dream, the story of some teenagers from La Cañada Real (Madrid) in which he addresses topics such as discovery, adolescent awakening, the search for identity or estrangement. of the roots themselves. The objective of his intervention was to visualize before the employers the usefulness of continuing to support initiatives to promote projects aimed at youth.

The president of the FPdGi, Francisco Belil, has presented the new Young Advisory Council, headed by Helena Herrero, and the new Princess of Girona scholarships, which will be awarded starting next year.

The session of the board of trustees was held in the Hall of Columns after the Kings greeted in an adjacent room the members of the governing and representative body of the foundation, headed by its president, Francisco Belil, and its general director, Salvador Tasqué. .

The trustees have given their approval to the program of activities planned for the next academic year, in which the entity of which Princess Leonor is honorary president will celebrate its 15th anniversary. The next awards ceremony, which will be held in July 2024 in the province of Girona, will be the first that Leonor de Borbón will preside over since she came of age.

The FFdGi board wants to take advantage of this anniversary to strengthen its goal with which it was born in 2009 of promoting the talent and training of young people and promoting entrepreneurship.

For the occasion, the Queen has recovered from her closet an outfit that evokes the Christmas holidays by opting for red in a Hugo Boss blouse and combining it with a midi trapeze skirt, with floral motifs, from one of her reference brands. : Carolina Herrera.

The style is completed with a successful black leather belt that frames her figure and a classic from her shoe rack. These are the mesh and high-top boots with medium heels from Magrit Shoes. A model named ‘Francesca’ that, due to its timelessness, is still available in the brand’s store and costs 550 euros.